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我很在意不乌韦棉铃电影。I don't much care for Uwe Boll movies.

棉花在植株上作为附着在种籽上的长茸毛在棉铃里生长发育。The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll.

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面对着彗星和棉铃象甲的双重威胁,农场主们都一筹莫展。Between the threats of comet and weevils, the farmers were running low on optimism.

棉铃的抗病性与其发育阶段和环境条件密切相关。The resistance of cotton bolls was closely associated with their development stages.

以高品质棉“科棉2号”为材料,研究高品质棉的棉铃发育及形成规律。The boll development and formation of "Kemian 2" with high quality was studied in this paper.

转基因抗虫棉品系“310”在棉铃发育过程中,表现了较强的“源”生理优势。Transgenic insect resistant cotton line "310" showed strong physiological advantage of"source".

棉花生产中棉铃的重量及其纤维品质存在时空上的差异,这是客观事实。It is true that there is temporal and spatial difference for weight and fibre quality of cotton bolls.

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并观察了不同年份棉铃虫卵和各龄幼虫的自然存活率。Natural survival rate of eggs and the various instar larvae in different years were also investigated.

然而在上世纪初期,棉铃象甲开始侵嗜美国南部的棉花农场。But in the early years of the century, the boll weevil began devastating the cotton farms in the south.

棉铃停止正常发育,并可能不开花或半开,造成纤维品质差。Bolls fail to develop properly and many fail to open or open only partially. Poor quality fiber results.

棉叶腺胞分泌的棉酚对棉铃象鼻虫是一种引诱剂。Gossypol, which is produced by gland cells in the leaves of Cotton, is an attractant to the boll weevil.

从长远来看,他们发现棉铃象甲虫虽破坏了农作物,但实际上反倒帮了他们的忙。In the long run, they saw that the boll weevil had, in fact, done them a favor by destroying their crops.

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铃壳内可溶性蛋白质含量以中部果枝铃最低,但是中部棉籽内可溶性蛋白质含量均高于上部和下部棉铃。The soluble protein percentage was lowest in the boll shell and it was highest in the seed of the middle node.

此时如果不适当地施肥浇水,就会造成棉铃因缺乏营养而凋落。If they are not fertilized and watered in time, the cotton bolls will wither and fall down for lack of nutrition.

种子内抗坏血酸含量较棉铃其它组分高,表明其稳定细胞膜结构的能力强。The ascorbic acid content in seeds was higher than other organs, it could stable the membrane's structure strongly.

分期模拟棉铃干物质的积累与分配比单一综合模拟模型预测效果要准确、可靠。This system of analysis methodology for cotton boll dry matter accumulation and distribution is precise and reliable.

在实验室条件下,对安徽省棉铃疫病菌的若干生物学特性及其遗传进行了研究。Some biological characters and its inheritance of the causal organism of cotton boll blight in Anhui were studied in vitro.

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窄卷苞叶对红铃虫的抗性表现为中性,但可提高杀虫剂在棉铃表面的分布量4.9—10.0倍。The resistance of frego bract cotton was neutral, but insecticideamount on its green boll surface increased by4.9—10.0 times.

在上海一年发生三代,以滞育幼虫在蒜头和枯棉铃组织内越冬。It has three generations a year in Shanghai and overwinters asa diapaused larva in the head of the garlic and the dead cotton boll.

因此,过早使用乙烯利,对未长成的棉铃会因棉叶提前衰老而影响充实。Thus, if ethrel is applied too early, it may affect the fullness of maturing cotton bolls due to pre- cedable senescence of cotton leaves.