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把这丢到外面去。Throw that outside.

现在,她暂时在监狱外面。For now, she is out.

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外面下着雨呢。It's raining outside.

外面下雪了。It's snowing outside!

他瞒着太太在外面拈花惹草。He cheats on his wife.

外面很冷。It feels cold outside.

外面有点冷。Little chilly outside.

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我们没法让他们待外面。We can't keep 'em out.

露在外面的铁会生锈的。Exposed iron will rust.

外面的花园里呢?Out in the garden then?

外面,是滂沱的雨。Outside, is heavy rain.

他时常在外面过夜。He spends the night out.

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外面一定很冷吧。It must be cold outside.

外面,是空荡的黎明。Outside, the empty dawn.

咱们到外面坐一坐好吗?Shall we go and sit out?

把花盆搬到外面去。Take the flowerpots out.

外面在刮风。Wind is blowing outside.

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我到外面转了一圈。I've been out for a walk.

是的,我已经在外面了,我不在里面。Yes, I'm out. I'm not in.

现在外面冷极了。It's freezing outside now.