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谁是灌水王?来这里切磋下!Who is the irrigation Wang? Come here to learn next!

怎么样?有空约几个球友一起去切磋一下吧!Let's get together for a bit of friendly competition!

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与属灵伙伴或小组组员切磋讨论Talk it through with a spiritual partner or small group.

我急着想跟你明天碰面,切磋一些细节。I am anxious to meet you tomorrow to hash out the details.

我们只是和金戈、莎琪和斯图亚特.皮尔森他们切磋切磋。We did swapsies with Dringo and Sharkey and Stuart Pearson.

与汉学家霍布恩先生切磋。Yang Yuanhong to direct the poetry. and sinologist Bunn TON.

他说,不同文化的相互切磋非常重要。He said that exchanges between different cultures are very important.

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欢迎各位茶友来我们这里切磋一下茶艺,欣赏一下窗外的风光。Welcome to our Qie look for tea tea, admire the scenery outside the window.

希望你学好中文,我们也愿意在编写中互相切磋。I hope that you can learn Chinese through contributing to Chinese Wikipedia.

请到就近的讨论区与我一起切磋,或许其他读者和我能提供帮助。Join me in the discussion area nearby, and perhaps other readers and I can help.

只有跟他们逐一切磋过,我才能完全有备而战,应付各种情况。Only by dealing with each of them will I become fully prepared in any situation.

虽说语言不通,杨老师和格瑞已经切磋多次了。Although there is a language barrier, Master Yang and Scot have met many times already.

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除此之外,我们还拥有多个麻将室供游客切磋技艺。Mahjong rooms are also available for those who wants to pit their skills against each other.

英皇就把它送交到一个世上最著名的宝石匠,请他切磋。The King sent it to the hands of an expert lapidary. And what do you suppose he did with it?

两国篮球运动员在比赛后聚在一起,切磋球艺。The basketball players of the two countries got together and compared notes after the match.

棋牌室有自动麻将机,可以与您的朋友一起切磋技艺。Chess & Card Room with automatic mahjong machine, and your friends can learn skills together.

期待您给我面试机会,以进一步切磋我能为贵公司做些什么。I look forward to an interview to discuss further how Icould contribute to your organization.

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现在我们只能想象当时在这馆里文人雅士相互讨论、切磋砥砺的场面。Now we could only image the scene that scholars and gentlemen discussing literature in this hall.

从摄生防病的角度切磋药物敷贴疗法的科研思绪。To discuss the scientific research of the plaster therapy from the aspect of health maintainence.

等到我有机会和我的同志们深入切磋之后,我将发表一个更加全面的声明。I will make a more complete statement only after I have had the opportunity to consult with my comrades.