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我要称他为社会的柱石。I should like to call him a pillar of society.

我们寄望巴玛下一代的信徒能成为教会的柱石。It is the next generation now in Pammal church.

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第二,时期是一篇论文的柱石。Second, The Times are the mainstays of a paper.

绝对纯净的绿柱石完全无色。Beryl is, when absolutely pure, totally devoid of color.

绿柱石的毕竟是多只是另一个制造商。Beryl's is after all more than just another manufacturer.

黑柱石是一种少见的含钙铁硅酸盐矿物。Ilvaite is a rare mineral of calcium-iron-bearing silicate.

你可能不知道,即使是在其他绿柱石颜色。You might not even realize that beryl comes in other colors.

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在绿柱石的,它的所有约提供最好的巧克力在马来西亚举行。At Beryl's it's all about delivering the best chocolates in Malaysia.

工业有用矿物主要为钽铌铁矿、锂辉石、绿柱石等。Nb-Ta-Fe ore, spodumene and aquamarine are useful industrial minerals.

我们的军队是无产阶级专政的柱石。Our army is the mainstay of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.

自信与自力是坚强品格的柱石。Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.

毋庸置疑,加拿大银行在此次危机中一直是稳定的柱石。Sure enough, Canadian banks have been a pillar of stability in the crisis.

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红柱石属多晶型物,含蓝晶石和硅线石两种不同矿物。Andalusite is a polymorph with two other minerals, Kyanite and Sillimanite.

此外还有石灰石、铁矿、红柱石、石英砂和高岭土等。In addition there are limestone iron ores andalusite quartz sand and kaolin etc.

最初所有的绿宝石都用这一词来表示,后来才仅用来表示绿柱石。This was originally applied to all green gemstones , but later used only for Beryl.

这家就是永生神的教会,真理的柱石和根基。God's family is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

自然界中绿柱石晶体多为柱状,具板状晶形的绿柱石非常少见。Beryl crystals occurring in nature are mostly prismatic, tabular ones are rarely observed.

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事实证明,中国已成为维护世界和平的坚强柱石。Facts have proved that China has already become a strong pillar of maintaining world peace.

这是最受欢迎的宝石之一,从家庭的绿柱石,海蓝宝石和祖母绿一起。It is one of the most popular stones from the beryl family, alongside aquamarine and emerald.

我国是个盛产绿柱石的国家,但能够作为宝石资源开发利用的绿柱石却相当少。China is celebrated for beryl, but few beryl deposits can be exploited to become gem resources.