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非也,这就是难得一求的雾凇!No, this is rarely asked scenes!

雾凇在民间还有一个“梦送”的美名。Fog also a folk song in "Dream as" a good reputation.

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学校坐落在风景迷人的雾凇之都、中国魅力城市——吉林市。It is situated in the Rime Metropolis and Charming City --- Jilin.

雾凇主要出现在北方地区,雨凇主要出现在南方。Results show that freezing weather appeared in most parts of China.

这就是名列中国四大自然奇观之一的吉林雾凇。This is Wu Song, one of China 's four natural wonders – Jilin Rime.

请大家随我下车,走进这美丽的雾凇奇观。Please everyone get off with me into this beautiful song wonders fog.

有时一个冬天可以形成多于60次的雾凇。Sometime there could be more than 60 times rime-formation in a single winter.

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雾凇和雨雾凇在NW风向附近次数最多。The most of soft rime and mixed icing appeared at about wind direction of NW.

通常,早晨九点钟后,雾凇会从树上脱落下来。Usually, after nine o'clock in the morning, the rime will fell down from the trees.

精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

当飘舞的雾凇落到我们头顶和肩膀上时,我们会感到特别清爽。When the flying rime falls on our heard and shoulders, we feel especially fresh and cool.

黄山大部分是粒状雾凇,气温在-2至-7℃时,就容易形成。Huangshan is the most granular matte glaze, the temperature at -2 to -7 ℃, it is easy to create.

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当东方朝霞将红光投向树林,那千姿百态的雾凇更显得晶莹多姿。When the red light into the East Zhaoxia woods, that mix of fog Jingying Song scene in even more.

近期由于东北地区气温骤降,在松花江的两岸出现了这种漂亮的雾凇景观,引来了大批的游客。"Fog at night "is to mean viewing the fog on the Songhua River on the night before the rime forms.

“夜看雾”,是在雾凇形成的前夜观看江上出现的雾景。"Night watch fog, " are at the eve of the formation of fog Song Jiang watch the fog appears on King.

让我们到十里江提去欣赏中国四大自然奇迹之一的吉林雾凇。Let us go to the Wangsimni Jiang natural wonder to enjoy one of the four major Chinese Jilin Song fog.

为什么能在吉林市形成如此大规模绝妙天成的雾凇奇观呢?Why can the formation of such a large scale at Jilin Tiancheng wonderful spectacle of the fog this Song?

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冬天的天气格外寒冷,雪纷纷扬扬地下着,雪白透明的雾凇是冬天最为美丽的景色之一。Winter weather is cold, snow swirl underground, white transparent rime is one of the most beautiful scenery in winter.

好了,各位,说了这么多,现在我们已经来到了松江路,请大家带好帽子和手套同我一起享受这绝美的雾凇奇观吧。Ok everyone now we have reached the Song Jang road please put you hats and gloves together go fellow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime.

好了,各位,现在我们已经抵达松江路,请戴好你们的帽子和手套,跟着我一起去欣赏迷人的雾凇美景吧!Ok everyone now we have reached the Songjang road please put your hats and gloves together go follow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime.