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但1.0000势必提供稳固的支撑。But 1.0000 should provide steady support.

过分成熟的甜果势必掉下树枝。So luscious fruit must fall when over-ripe.

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此外,中国势必要进行报复。Moreover, China would be bound to retaliate.

因此,布格改正势必造成相当大的误差。So Bouguer correction must cause much errors.

这势必增加病人的紧张情绪。It certainly increases stress for the patient.

疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

那势必会对你的世界观产生深远影响。Its bound to have a profound effect on your world view.

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只要我们一起努力势必能达到好的结果。So long as we work together we can achieve great results.

如果你继续这样下去势必有一天要犯大错误。If you go on like this, you'll make big mistakes some day.

相信每一个人都势必会被那个巨大的毛绒黄瓜吸引住。And one will definitely be charmed by giant plush cucumbers.

要作长远的决定势必面对眼前的困阻。Making long-term decisions requires short-term difficulties.

如今格鲁贝尔的领导力势必将受到质疑。Now Gruebel’s leadership will surely be called into question.

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中国网球网势必将突破去年记录,再创新高。The site is on the way to breaking last year's record totals.

连续不断的媒体报道也将势必促进利润的增长。Continuing media coverage can also be expected to boost interest.

我们如果想要完成这个研究计画就势必要熬夜。We will have to stay up late if we want to complete this project.

如果东亚银行出现在被收购名单上,李嘉诚势必能快速获利。If BEA is on that list, Li Ka-Shing stands to make a quick profit.

免漆门势必成为广泛居日用户的首位挑选。Paint-free door will become the first choice majority of home users.

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文化语境的形成势必影响关于匪盗的文学想象。The Culture context definitely affects the imagination about bandit.

因为贫穷而将他们一关了之,势必引发更多的困局。Throwing them in jail for being poor makes that much more difficult.

一个商人在成功之前势必要经历许多困难和严峻考验。A successful businessman must be go through many troubles and ordeals.