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请你把这个材料照抄一份。Please make a copy of this material.

她们所知道的全部就是“鹦鹉学舌”似地照抄照搬而己。They can copy, "parrot like, " and that is about all.

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然后她拿出李华的作文,迅速的照抄一遍。Then she took Li Hua's composition and copied it quickly.

你的故事必须是原创,不得照抄以前读过的故事。The idea for your story has to be original, not copied from something you've read.

别全部照抄我的答案,只是用它来核对一下你的答案是否对。Don't copy my answers completely, just use them as a check to see if yours are right.

他找到珍妮的书包,取出了她的练习本,并且照抄了她的作文。He found Jenny's schoolbag and brought out her exercise book and copied her composition.

又因为微软视窗系统只是照抄了麦金托什机,所以所有的个人电脑也都不会拥有它们。And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them.

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但是,沉默权制度有利有弊,完全照搬照抄或者全盘否定都是偏颇的。However, the system contains advantages and disadvantages, it is bias to copy entirely or to deny completely.

很多外围庄和中小型公司的数据往往也是参考或照抄他们的分析。Many small and medium sized companies outside the village is also often refer to or copy data to their analysis.

我们常听到社会上对学院的诅骂,以为是照抄现象,毫无生气的“祸根”。In the society, we always hear some abuse on the academy and think it is an apple of discord for copy and no life.

但是,有些时候,研究人员在屏幕上键入单词时会出现错误,学生们从来都是照抄不误。But sometimes, the researchers inserted typos in the word as it appeared on screen, when the students hadn't made one.

但是,有些时候,研究人员在屏幕上键入单词时会出现错误,学生们从来都是照抄不误。But sometimes, the researchers inserted typos in the word as it appeared on screen, when the students hadn’t made one.

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央视-索福瑞媒介研究有限公司经理王兰柱说,电视节目制作人有时低估了观众的欣赏水平,认为照搬照抄也能给节目增色。CSM manager Wang Lanzhu said TV producers sometimes underestimate the audience, assuming that copying other shows adds to appeal.

因此设计不应照抄照搬惯例,才能做出更科学合理、更切合实际情况的最优设计。The design could not copy the former one, more scientific and reasonable best design could be created by the practical conditions.

然而,科斯的产权理论存在一些这样或那样的理论缺陷,使得我们在产权改革中不能完全照抄照搬。However, there are some theoretical deficiencies in Koth property right theory, so we should not completely use it in our reformation.

但是我们发现,在大量的极少主义风格的作品涌入中国的时候,我们设计师只是照抄,硬套。However, we found that a large number of rare works and the influx of Chinese-style, we simply copied the text of the designer, bowls.

皮恩引用普拉昌达的话说,他们党不会照抄其它任何形式的民主,而会建立一种专门适合尼泊尔的制度。Quoting the chairman, Pun said his party would not copy any other model of democracy but would establish a unique system suitable to Nepal.

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如果,中国诗歌只照抄照搬西方流派或主义,而没取其精髓弃其糟粕,又怎能繁荣?怎么崛起?If the Chinese poems only copying Western genre or doctrine, rather than take its essence to abandon the dross, how can the rising prosperity? how?

同时,学习中要避免照抄照搬、大而空、严人宽己和虎头蛇尾等现象。In the meantime, copy word for word should avoid to copy in study, wide oneself mixes big and sky, severe person anticlimactic wait for a phenomenon.

最近东亚发生的经济危机表明照抄西方的制度对该地区的金融稳定构成潜在的影响。Recently, the economic crisis in east Asia has shown that simplly copy the system of west will generate a potential impact to its own financial stability.