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我特怵拍照。I'm horribly camera shy.

给她们的脚丫子各种拍照。Take pictures of their feet.

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你愿意摆姿势让我为你拍照吗?Are you willing to pose for me ?

这里禁止拍照。Taking-photo is not allowed here.

给郁金香园地拍照的的骑车人。Cyclist taking photo of tulip field.

但全部的要旨都在于拍照。But the whole point is taking pictures.

兀鹰出租给游大拍照。A condor for hire for photo opportunity.

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我喜欢和我的朋友们拍照。Me encanta fotografiarme con mis amigos.

我们有三台相机忙着拍照。We have three cemara very busy shotting.

谁会给自己的家拍照呢?Who takes photographs of their own home?

他不公开露面,不拍照,他有一个家"。He’s not unphotographed. He has a family.

让摄影师数到三,在开始拍照时挣开眼睛。Then open your eyes as he begins shooting.

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第四、为百乐奖拍照。The fourth was a shoot for the Baile Award.

于是派摄影记者去拍照。Photographers are sent to take the pictures.

拍照车牌号码使用微距镜头。Photograph the VIN number using a macro lens.

我为你拍照时请站好别动。Please stand still while I take your picture.

那天之前我拍照拍了很长时间。Earlier that day i had a LOOOOONG photo shoot.

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她怕上镜,因此不愿意让别人给她拍照。She's camera-shy and hates being photographed.

好了,队员们,集合拍照了。All right, gather up, jockstraps. Picture time.

在大雪中拍照和嬉耍。好是热闹啊!Take photo and play to play with in heavy snow.