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行情看涨。Market will be strong.

股票行情暴跌。The stock market crashed.

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股市行情看跌。The stock market tumbled.

股票行情不久即将回升。The stock market will soon rally.

我了解行情,走进车行时已是一个懂行的买主了。I went in. I was an informed buyer.

股市开盘时行情看涨。The market opened in a bullish mood.

股票市场行情急转直下。The stock market turned down sharply.

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预计后市价格行情仍将以平稳为主。Expect future prices to remain stable.

那接下来发生了什么呢?1962年时市场行情骤变。What happened? The crash came in 1962.

她急于想了解股票的行情。He is anxious to read the share prices.

我把股价行情走势图装在脑子。I carried the "dope sheets" in my mind.

行情看涨。The market prices are expected to rise.

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广东证券公司网上行情系统。Guangdong Securities online quotes system.

如果你方价格符合行情,我们可以接受。If your price is in line, we can accept it.

过去那种“暴利”没商量的行情已失去了生存土壤。Now the situation has lost its survival soil.

证券行情下挫引起投资者恐慌。The decline in the stock market scared investors.

建议试买少量以探行情,并请电告结果。Suggest buy small lot for feeling market telegraph.

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强劲财报和公司前景有助于海外股市行情。Strong earnings and outlooks helped stocks overseas.

上列货物,按本季行情,报价为。We offer the goods at the current season's price of.

双休日,涤丝市场行情继续盘升态势。Weekend, polyester and silk market continue to rise.