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选手们纷纷亮出各自绝活儿。Players shine to live absolutely severally in succession.

对胚胎发育期间形成的器官来说,部分细胞必须自绝生路。For organs to form during embryonic development, some cells must commit suicide.

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选择救难人员为目标而欲置之于死地,这些人自绝于人道。Those who target relief workers for death have set themselves against all humanity.

自绝于最优利基之外的失败将浪费营销资金、时间和精力。Failure to isolate the most-qualified niche can waste marketing funds, time and energy.

我理解对国家安全的关切,但我们不应自绝于这些资本流。I understand national security concerns, but we shouldn't cut ourselves off from these capital flows.

但一本出自获奖作家们之手的新书却声称他并没有自绝生命而是死于一场意外枪击案件。But a new book by prize-winning authors, claims he died in a shooting accident and did not take his own life.

政治权力与知识权力的合流,有知识自身演进的逻辑在起作用,现代学术不可能自绝于政治权力。It is the logic of modern knowledge growing that act on the combination of politics power and knowledge power.

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人因滥用自由权,作出错误选择,违背律法而犯罪,就自绝于生命之源。Men have abused their freedom and broken God's law, thereby severing their connection with the Source of life.

毕竟数学和物理是共同演进的,数学家不应该自我孤立、不应该自绝于新概念的丰富源头之外。After all, mathematics and physics coevolved. Mathematicians should not isolate themselves. They should not cut themselves off from rich sources of new ideas.

我们是工商业社会,自然不愿自绝于这个庞大市场之外,更何况我们拥有文化联系的优势。Ours is a commercial society, and naturally we would not distance ourselves from the huge market of China, given the advantages we have in cultural connections.

对胚胎发育期间形成的器官来说,部分细胞必须自绝生路。如果没有这种程序化细胞死亡,我们生下来都会像鸭子一样有带蹼的脚。For organs to form during embryonic development, some cells must commit suicide. Without such programmed cell death, we would all be born with webbed feet, like ducks.

在规定了强制性回复邮件的商业文化中,上面那种“嚣张”的声明看起来简直是又粗鲁,又亵渎职场,甚至是职场自绝行为。In a business culture that imposes the oppressive rule of mandatory replies, that kind ostentatious declaration may seem sacrilegious, rude or professionally suicidal.

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第二是细胞该死的时候不死——有些类型的细胞应该自绝,有时却会失去回应死亡指令的能力。Another is cells not dying when they ought to – certain types of cells are supposed to turn over and sometimes they lose the ability to respond to signals that tell them to die.

它背离艺术家创作作品的单向性,自绝于一个经典的唯美性的权力尺度。We read the microscopic meaning of life from the crease line, departs from the unidirectionality of the art works alienating itself in a classical and esthetical interest scale.

艾若育自绝于人民之外,该政权绝望地向华府恳求来说服美国人民,尽管菲国人民呼吁艾若育应与华府脱钩,但她仍是华府最好的傀儡。Already isolated from the people, the Arroyo regime desperately woos Washington to convince the US that, despite the public clamor for Arroyo 's removal from office, she is still their best puppet.