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如何开展一场竞选?How do you campaign?

所以,还是回头说竞选吧。So, back to the campaign.

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他参加参议员总统竞选。He runs for the senatorship.

他决定参加竞选。He chose to run for election.

他穿越美国北部进行飞行竞选游说。He tarmaced across the North.

弗里蒙特因此退出了竞选。Fremont withdrew from the race.

莫里斯.史密斯负责筹集竞选资金。Maurice Smith raised the money.

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学期的班干部竞选也开始了。The class cadre campaign began.

这次竞选中的无名英雄。The unsung hero of this campaign.

他准备与福斯特竞选。He is going to run against Foster.

他要竞选班代表。He is running for class president.

他正在竞选联合校董会董事。He's running for the school board.

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妈妈,我是否该竞选总统?Mother should I run for president?

你们是我们竞选的核心。You are the heart of our campaign.

批评人士在总统竞选期间曾经利用奥巴马的父亲是穆斯林这一点来攻击他。Barack Obama's father was a Muslim.

他宣布竞选美国州长。He announced for the U.S. governor.

他竞选总统,结果轻而易举地获胜了。He ran for president and breezed in.

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他们发动了竞选活动。They initiated an election campaign.

阿丽娜明白她为何要竞选。And Alena knows why she wants to run.

我竞选是要当美国军队总司令!I'm running to be commander in chief!