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去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。This time of spring night this year.

在那里你可以参观花市。You can visit flower market over there.

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去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。In the Lantern Festival night of this year's.

成千上万的人去花市。Thousands of people go to the flower markets.

人们会去花市买上一些鲜花。And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.

室内花市对旅游者有极大的吸引力。The indoor flower market is a big tourist attraction.

对不起。请问去花市的路怎麽走?Excuse me. I'm trying to find my way to the flower market.

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我去了趟花市。我买了盆花。I have been to the flower market. I bought a pot of flower.

新年的时候,我和爸爸妈妈一起去花市买花。New Year, I and my parents went to buy flowers flower market.

广州狗年第一个花市番禺花市22日正式开锣。Guangzou's first flower fair, the Panyu Flower Fair was kicked off Jan. 22.

粉煤灰和朋友达成一枝黄花市,粉煤灰希望获得他的下一次健身徽章。Ash and friends reach Goldenrod City, where Ash hopes to earn his next gym badge.

在孟买马哈拉克西米火车站附近的花市上,小贩们在叫卖鲜花。endors sell bouquets at the flower markets near the Mahalaxmi train station in Mumbai.

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如在城市的花市上,这种腊兰一棵至少价值万余元。At the city flower market, this strain of orchid is worth at least 10,000 dollars each.

希望所有的交易成本都能像阿斯米尔花市或者筑地鱼市场那样,成为令人心动的一景。If only all transaction costs could be as thrilling a spectacle as Aalsmeer or Tsukiji.

或许当你散步经过花市时,你聆听到一株植物对你的召唤。Perhaps as you walked past the floral market you listened and heard a plant call to you.

把花市逛了两圈,仍然空手而回。Strolling the flower market for two rounds, yet I ended up coming back with hands empty.

花市也要迎合当地居民的需求,因此价格也相当公道。Since the Bloemenmarkt also caters to the needs of local residents, prices are quite reasonable.

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新闻记者巴德正在花市里仔细挑选着,他碰见了既是同事又是朋友的弗洛拉Bud, a journalist, is perusing2 the Flower Market when he bumps into his friend and colleague, Flora

在格拉斯的花市,这里摆满了各种你见过或者没见过的花卉和植物。In Grasse's flower market, there are so many flowers and plants that you may or may not have seen before.

虽然鲜艳的花卉、植物和球茎都具有季节性,但这里的花市却是全年无休。It's open all year round, although the offerings of live flowers, plants and bulbs are obviously seasonal.