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中国人总是说他们会兵不血刃就把我们拿下!China always said they would take us without firing a shot!

我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。By surrounding the city our troops achieve a bloodless victory.

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我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利。By surrounding the city our troops achieved a bloodless victory.

兵不血刃地征服敌人是技巧的极致。他写道。"To subdue the enemy without fighting", he wrote, "is the acme of skill. "

阿森纳是今晚的最大赢家,他们坐镇主场兵不血刃地六球狂胜布拉加。Arsenal were the night's biggest winners, scoring six without reply at home to Braga.

十一月十四日,海军陆战队士兵在海滩登陆,并且兵不血刃地占领了这一区域。On November 14 German naval infantry landed on the strands and occupied the area without a fight.

在一系列巧妙而机智的摆设下,突击队兵不血刃,智取军械库。Under a series of the decoration of the clever and witty, commandos firefight, outwit the armory.

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在这个战场上,我们也要研究战略和战术,如何才能兵不血刃地攻击敌方的中枢神经。In the battlefield of culture we have to work out strategies that are able to hit a nerve of our opponents.

这位善变的领导人于1969年兵不血刃推翻了阿迪斯国王,当时他仅仅为一名军队的上尉。The mercurial leader came to power in a bloodless coup against King Idris in 1969, when he was just an army captain.

他们也对这匹伟大的马充满了敬意,它除了流尽自己的鲜血,兵不血刃地打败了他们庞大的军队。They too honored the great one, who had defeated their vast armies without spilling a drop of blood, except his own.

希望不承受巨大的内部阻力也不遭受巨额损失,就兵不血刃得将银行分拆成几个部分,这种将是很难的。Breaking the one bank into its components without bloodshed, great internal resistance, or more losses would be difficult.

中国具有庞大的人口和自然资源,这足以让日本看起来仿佛侏儒。孩子们,中国人兵不血刃。China has enormous population and natural resources that dwarfs Japan, and boy Chinese are out for blood, taking no prisoners.

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中国拥有庞大的人口和自然资源,这足以让日本看起来如同侏儒。孩子们,中国人兵不血刃。China has enormous population and natural resources that dwarfs japan, and boy chinese are out for blood, taking no prisoners.

抗议者都是前总理他信.西那瓦的支持者,他信因2006年的一场“兵不血刃”的军事政变而流亡海外。The demonstrators are supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a bloodless military coup in 2006.

几十年来,在里根时代的学生将辩论撒切尔夫人的说法,她的美国盟友兵不血刃赢得了冷战。For decades to come, students of the Reagan era will debate Margaret Thatcher's assertion that her American ally won the Cold War without firing a shot.

默西塞德郡巨人最近的一场主场胜利是在周一晚上3-0兵不血刃地搞定曼奇尼的曼城队。Liverpool's latest home success came at the expense of Manchester City on Monday night as they clinched a dominant 3-0 victory over Roberto Mancini's men.

与英国同样的文化背景、类似的政治遗产,这使得美国兵不血刃地取代英国,成为世界霸主。但是,德国、日本的迅速崛起却导致了世界大战。A shared cultural and political heritage helped America to eclipse British power without bloodshed, but the rise of Germany and Japan precipitated global wars.

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四年后,贪污腐败却能力出众的电信巨头他信·西那瓦当选总理,但又被2006年一场兵不血刃的军变拉下台,随即出逃流亡。Four years later Thaksin Shinawatra, a corrupt but competent telecoms tycoon, was elected. In 2006 he was forced out in a bloodless army coup, and skipped the country.

在今世他的外交天赋很值得一提,他将兵不血刃地获胜并且仅仅通过他的吸引力就可以使他人臣服。His diplomatic talents are well worth noting in this life. He will achieve things without fighting for them and often others will surrender to him just by his senses and magnetism.

几十年来,政府官员们拒绝对这些贫民窟尽义务,然后当贩毒团伙建起了武器库,警察想兵不血刃地进入就更加困难了。For decades, government officials refused to take responsibility for the slums, and as drug gangs built caches of weapons it became harder for the police to enter without a firefight.