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女人真麻烦。Female trouble.

她是个卖弄风情的女人。She is a flirt.

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闻香识女人。Scent of a Woman.

天哪!这个女人!God, what a woman!

女人哭吧,笑吧!A woman cry, laugh!

还是仅仅是反女人?Or just anti-women?

某些女人喜欢它。Some women like it.

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这个女人的世界。This woman's world.

我真不懂女人。Explain women to me.

头发是女人的生命。Hair is womens life.

女人嘛,图个啥?Women do, Gesha map?

女人有懦夫感应。Women have WUSS-DAR.

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她是个矮胖的女人。She is a dumpy woman.

她真是一个水性杨花的女人!She's really a whore!

那女人怎么样?What about the woman?

媒体帝国,女人,孩子,复仇,名望和玩弄于股掌的各国政要。A media empire. Women.

吉尔令女人一见倾心。Jill is a lady-killer.

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男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。Man begs, woman sells.

那个女人真胖!The woman is so fatty!

那里面的女人是谁?Who is the lady in it?