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任何具有交换价值的占有物。Any possession that has value in an exchange.

文物是一种特殊商品,具有使用价值、交换价值和收藏价值。In which there is use value, exchange value and collection value.

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相反,货币供应量增加时,交换价值将下降。Conversely, the exchange value will fall when there is more money.

现在他们给黄金赋予比之前大得多的交换价值。They now assign a much greater exchange value to gold than before.

因此,当货币供应量减少的时候,它的交换价值将会上升。Consequently, if there is less money, its exchange value will increase.

鬻卖官田说明土地的交换价值受到重视,是国家土地产权强化的体现。It indicates that the exchange value of land caught people's attention.

从这种分析中产生了使用价值和交换价值等概念。From this analysis came the concepts value in use and value in exchange.

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一个高的交换价值,使得日本出口产品的价格昂贵,竞争力较弱的。A high exchange value makes Japanese exports costlier and less competitive.

当美元交换价值上升,则以外币计的价格上升。When the dollar's exchange value increases, so do prices in foreign currencies.

因此,劳动是衡量一切商品交换价值的真实尺度。Labour, therefore, is the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities.

在价值的平等式,有一个介入作为使用价值,另一个介入作为交换价值。In the equation of values, one intervenes as a use value and the other as an exchange value.

亚当?斯密由于区分了“使用价值”和“交换价值”而引起了公众的广泛注意。Adam Smith was quite intrigued by the disparity between "value in use" and "value in exchange".

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我们通过这个例子很容易理解使用价值与交换价值的区别。In that example it could be a very simplistic understanding of value-in-use versus value-in-exchange.

价格是商品的交换价值在流通过程中所取得的转化形式。Price is the exchange value of commodities in the circulation achieved during the transformation of the form.

在我们所要考察的社会形式中,使用价值同时又是交换价值的物质承担者。In the form of society we are about to consider, they are, in addition, the material depositories of exchange-value.

教育服务是教育产品,它具有使用价值与交换价值,在教育市场上是商品。The education service is an education product and it has use value and exchange value and it is a goods in education market.

而资本主义的社会结构是建立在受交换价值支配的非人身关系基础上。The social structure of capitalism, however, is built around impersonal relationships based on the dominion of exchange value.

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由于黄金的主要竞争对手,美元将通货膨胀率下降,黄金的“交换价值”的美元将会有所改善。Since gold's major competitor, the US dollar will be declining with inflation, gold's "exchange value" with the dollar will improve.

马克思预言未来代替资本主义的将是一个为使用价值而非交换价值而生产的全新社会。Marx predicts that in the future a new society in which people produce for use value instead of exchange value will replace capitalism.

尽管交换价值得到承认,经济价值不依赖于市场的存在而且价格和价值也不等同。Though exchange value is recognized, economic value is not dependent on the existence of a market and price and value are not seen as equal.