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上坡时,这条路有个陡坡。The road made an abrupt rise up the hill.

上坡雾通常是密集,并延伸到高海拔地区。Upslope fog is usually dense, and extends to high altitudes.

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您快速地跑上坡,通过慢跑或走下坡进行恢复。You run up the hill fast and then recover by jogging or walking down.

越野滑雪赛道由平道、上坡道和下坡道组成。The cross-country course consists of flat, uphill and downhill sections.

今年上坡还能用跑的,比我想像中的状况还要好。This year I was able to run more of the uphills and finish stronger than I did.

大多数病人发现上坡时跛行症状更严重。Most patients find that their claudication symptoms are worse on walking uphill.

但是最初推动产生的惯性并不足以让列车行进,尤其还是上坡的路。But that initial inertia wasn't enough to keep the train moving, specially uphill.

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尽力骑车上坡,虽然比上一次骑得远一点,但是很快还是下车推行了。I managed to get a bit further than on the first attempt, but was soon walking again.

接下来的2公里是上坡,一段平坦路段,接着继续上坡,15公里点位于尖尖的坡顶。The next 2 km are uphill then flat and the 15k point is at the end of sharp downhill.

霍索恩大街总长有1000英尺,由上坡段和下坡段组成。Hawthorne Avenue turns uphill, over the top, and downhill to a length of a thousand feet.

孩子们在拱桥的上坡帮助苦力和人力车夫推车。Children await coolies and rickshaws to help them transport things across humpback bridges.

其实,我们也不经常步行——我们更喜欢在上坡时赛跑,然后上气不接下气。Truthfully, we don’t always walk —we love to race each other up hills and be out of breath.

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但他只看到森林,很多粗皮的大橡树在上坡。He saw nothing but forest, trees running upslope , mighty oaks, broad of girth and rough-barked.

日出后对流边界层的发展和上坡风的侵蚀使逆温和冷湖不断被破坏,最终消失。After sunrise the convective boundary layer begins to grow up with upslope wind to develop in CBL.

当肌肉需要更多氧气,例如上坡时,疼痛来得更快。If greater demands are made on the muscles, such as walking uphill, the pain comes on more quickly.

最后,当在一个离马亚罗仅有六英里远的平直上坡处,越野车终于能够加快速度了。At last, on an uphill straight about six miles from Mayaro, the LandRover was able to pick up speed.

现在我摆脱了地面的束缚,纵身飞上了霍索恩大街,上坡,再下坡,一直飞到了过去的树林地带。Freed of earthly bonds, I flew up Hawthorne Avenue, over and down, and into where the woods had been.

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一个礼拜3天的跑步计划应该包括一天快跑,一天上坡跑步或有速度变化的跑步,一天长跑。A three-day-a-week running plan should include one speed day, one day on hills or tempo, and a long run.

然后,急下坡完了就是相应的上坡,小黄的钢护板以前所未有的速度刮过地面。The dip is followed by a corresponding up-slope onto which Miss Daisy's steel diaper races as never before.

上坡时出现刹车失灵,应适时减入中低挡,保持足够的动力驶上坡顶停车。The uphill appear brake failure, should be timely reduction low block, keep the enough power up to the top parking.