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物证应当提交原物。Material evidence must also be original.

物证应当提交原物。Material evidence shall also be original.

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物证应当提交原物。Physical evidence shall also be original.

陶俑形象逼真,与原物一样大小。The terracotta figures are life-like and life-sized.

复制则一定要以原物为依据,不能主观臆造。Copy must be in original basis, not subjective conjecture.

我对这个铁十字感兴趣,二流货,原物。I'm interested in an iron cross second class . an original.

基于水的湿原物的一个更加稀薄,更轻,液体版本。A Thinner, Lighter, Liquid Version Of Water-Based Wet Original.

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室内的办公桌、沙发、转椅等都是原物。The desk, sofa and swivel chair etc. are all the original things.

没人怀疑模仿原物的模型的能力。No one doubts the ability of a model to imitate an original thing.

下面列举几种你可能在游泳池里传染到的病原物Here are the pathogens you might be sharing the pool with this summer

一些昆虫的兼性病原物,常用作生物杀虫剂。A facultative pathogen of some insect species commonly used as a biopesticide.

原物与孳息作为物的一种分类方式,源自古罗马时代。Original and Fruits is a mode classification of property since the ancient Roman.

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讲道坛顶上的王冠是1619年的原物,是几年前人们在塔楼里发现的。The crown on top is the original of 1619, discovered a few years ago in the tower.

一名老练的锁匠只要看一眼原物就可以复制出许多类型的钥匙。A skilled locksmith can duplicate many types of keys just by looking at the original.

有关原物与孳息的理论与实践也相应的经历了演变与发展。The concept of fruits theory has undergone a corresponding evolution and development.

文物专家对破损部分进行了原物修复,并邀请演奏专家进行演奏。Experts have restored the piece and professional musicians have been invited to play the flute.

返还的不当利益,应当包括原物和原物所生的孳息。The returned illegal profits shall include the original thing and the fruits arising therefrom.

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疟疾的病原物---疟原虫,已经对化学处理有了抗性。The malaria causing parasite, Plasmodium, has already developed resistance to chemical treatments.

第二十条案件承办人调取的证据应当是原件、原物。Article 20 The evidence obtained by the case undertakers shall be the original articles or objects.

工厂有对进仓原物料、配件和部件质量检验的程序。Factory has procedures for quality inspection on incoming raw materials, accessories and components.