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我鞠躬还礼。I bowed in return.

他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。He swept her a bow.

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日本人就行鞠躬礼。Japanese people will bow.

好啊,你鞠躬,我行礼。Now you bow and I curtsy.

他的鞠躬只是一种虚礼而已。His bow was mere ceremony.

现在你鞠躬,我行屈膝礼。Now you bow, and I curtsy.

我们向皇后鞠躬致敬。We all bowed to the Queen.

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我们现在鞠躬并且乞求你!We now bow and beseech you!

安塔芮丝人卫兵向他鞠躬行礼。The Antarian guard bowed low.

他向我鞠躬表示他衷心的谢意。He bowed me his heartiest thanks.

乔里恩站起来微微一鞠躬。Jolyon rose and made a slight bow.

在和我说话的时候,他们不停地鞠躬。They kept bowing when speaking to me.

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小裁缝跨步上前鞠躬。The little tailor stepped up and bowed.

牧师在圣坛前行鞠躬礼。The priest bowed down before the altar.

我向他鞠躬还礼。I acknowledged his politeness with a bow.

当你鞠躬时,请从腰部弯身。Incline your body from the waist you bow.

他会鞠躬,然后给他们一个次品。He is going to bow and give them a quicky.

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屠维岳鞠躬,非常镇定非常自信地回答。His voice was perfectly calm and confident.

还有一个网友,将“新郎新娘给他们的父母鞠躬”这句话翻译为下面第一句。Bridegroom and bride bowed to their parents.

跳跃的伴侣,优雅地相互鞠躬。Cavorting pairs bow gracefully to each other.