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是,她很难辨别。,No,,she‘d be hard to tell.

伤风使某人失去辨别滋味的能力。A cold dulls sb. 's taste.

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我再也无法辨别正误对错。I can't tell right from wrong.

judge“能辨别好坏的人”、“鉴定者”。I'm a good judge of character.

学会怎样辨别杂乱。Learn how to identify clutter.

她能辨别是非。She can tell right from wrong.

我有异味儿么——人们能辨别出来?Do I Smell — and Can People Tell?

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我不能够辨别出这个签名。I cannot identify this signature.

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。Can' t you tell vice from virtue ?

人是有辨别是非能力的。Human beings are moral individuals.

这个老大爷有辨别古董的眼力。This old man has an eye for curios.

现在,我甚至无法辨别是非。But I won't give up without a fight.

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我能辨别是非。I can discriminate right from wrong.

他失去了辨别是非的能力He lost his sense of right and wrong.

她不能辨别是非。She can't discriminate right from wrong.

辨别谁是友?谁是敌?To know who its friends and enemies are?

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。He knows good from evil, fight from wrong.

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我们怎能辨别舞者和舞蹈?How can we tell the dancer from the dance?

鱼还能辨别不同的形状。Fish also have an eye for different shapes.

如何辨别壳牌机油的真假?。How to discern the true and false shell oil?