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我喜欢侦探片。I like detective films.

我不喜欢看侦探片。I don't like detective films.

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你看过地部侦探片了吗?。Have you seen that detective film?

我也不喜欢侦探片。I don't care for a detective film.

我总是看侦探片。I always watch science fiction films.

我喜欢看侦探片和动作片。I like to see detective and action movies.

好莱坞在宣传一部新的侦探片。The Hollywood is publicizing a new detective film.

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那部新放映的侦探片受到了好评。That new detective show has been getting good reviews.

我最喜欢的节目是动画片和侦探片。My favourite programmes are cartoons and detective films.

我对侦探片不感兴趣,它也使我紧张。I don't care for a detective film. It also makes me nervous.

嗯,我们可以看到别的嘛。比如侦探片。Well , we could see something different. Like a detective film.

此外还有欧美的侦探片和谋杀片。Besides, there were also European and American detective or murder films.

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我看过的最有趣的电影是一部侦探片。The most intriguing film I have ever seen is a film based on a detective story.

在每一部侦探片中,调查者最终要寻找的总是他自己。In every great detective story, what the investigator is really looking to find is himself.

有些人喜欢惊险片,而有些人则喜欢侦探片和爱情片。Some people like adventure movies while others love detective movies and love stories, etc.

我经常看电视。我非常喜欢侦探片。我爸爸和妈妈也喜欢侦探片。我不喜欢爱情片。我觉得他们是愚蠢的。I often watch TV. I like detective films very much. My father and mother also like detective films. I don't like romantic films. I think they are stupid.

这个名字今天被误读了,在以前它并不单纯指恐怖片,而是包罗万象,既包括动作片,也包括神怪片、侦探片和探险片。Today, in the past it misread not pure horror film, but to all-embracing, both action movies, including the genie piece, detective movies and how would adventure.