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果树,庭院面积大,是属于核桃学区。Fruit trees, large patio area, Walnut school dist.

很多学区已经开始尝试分权。School districts have made several attempts at decentralizing.

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在这个学年里,学区传唤了400多名学生家长。The school district cited more than 400 parents this school year.

看一下在波特兰郊区的比佛顿学区。Head on over to Beaverton School District, in the suburbs of Portland.

最高法院一致判定了用校车接送学区外学生上学的政策,以平衡学校学生种族比例。The Supreme Court unanimously upheld busing to achieve racial balance.

“在我们的学区里,这样的错误观点仍然是普遍的,”他说。"The same argument is still pervasive in our school community, " he says.

威斯康辛州有一个学区最近决定支持这个立场。A 2school district in Wisconsin recently decided to support this position.

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多纳湾学区有19名教师,以及从幼儿园到12年级的262名学生。Dollar Bay has 19 teachers for 262 students in grades kindergarten through 12.

她说在他们康乃狄克州的学区里,她的小孩有时也会被其他学生捉弄。She said her children were sometimes taunted in their Connecticut school district.

之后我转到了另外一个学区,并开始了我作为专家的第三年教学。I then moved to another school district and started out my third year as the expert.

第三部分,清水县新城乡学区教师职业压力来源的归因分析。In Part three, the author has analyzed the reasons of teacher's occupational stress.

其它学区也在尝试新办法来获取这些在家接受教育人的支持。Other school districts are also experimenting with novel ways to court home schoolers.

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我们有369个学区,但是有很多学区都太小了,不能开设学生们需要的数学课和科学课程。We had 369 school districts, many too small to offer needed courses in math and science.

这一学区聘用了八名体育专家和28名助手,在39所小学中展开工作。The district hired eight PE specialists and 28 aides to rotate among 39 elementary schools.

这个道理也适用于那些不那么受青睐的房产或是位于不太好的学区的房子。The same is true for less-attractive properties or those in less-desirable school districts.

后来,我是在拉科达学区的中学读的七年级和八年级。Afterwards, I continued on in the Lakota school district through my junior high school years.

有了这些系统,学区得以节省巨额纸张、邮寄和办公相关支出。School districts credit these systems for huge savings in paper, mailing and office expenses.

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普查报告还对美国13,000所学区的贫困进行了评估。The Census also released estimates of poverty for the more than 13,000 U.S. school districts.

处于西凤凰城郊区的学区暂时免除了Sterr的职位,等待纪律措施的惩戒。The school district, which is in a west Phoenix suburb, removed Sterr pending disciplinary action.

但是这个体制很难改变,因为给某些学区的钱多一些,就意味着另外一些学区得到的钱少一些。This system was hard to change, because giving more to some districts meant giving less to others.