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但板蓝根为什么不能出售给西方呢?Why can't it be sold to the west?

板蓝根可以每日喝吗?Board is Lagen OK and daily drink?

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板蓝根浸膏粉有抗病毒作用。Isatis-Root extract powder is active against virus.

目的建立板蓝根中核苷类薄层色谱鉴别。Objective To establish TLC method of nucleoside in the Radix Isatidis.

五种有机酸对照品及板蓝根药材提取液毛细管电泳分离图谱。Fig 1. Typical electropherograms of five organic acids in Radix Isatidis.

目的优选板蓝根注射液的制备工艺。OBJECTIVE To optimize the preparation technology of Radix Isatidis Injection.

方法采用薄层色谱法对板蓝根中核苷类成分进行定性鉴别。Method TLC was used to identify nucleoside qualitatively in the Radix Isatidis.

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结论可利用此方法控制板蓝根的质量。Conclusion The methods could be used to control the quality of the Radix Isatidis.

目的探讨板蓝根药理作用与临床应用。Objective To discuss pharmacological action and the clinical application of Radix Isatidis.

口服野菊花、贯众、板蓝根等,也可预防流感。Oral wild chrysanthemum, Guanzhong, such as Banlangen, but also the prevention of influenza.

板蓝根是目前公认的具有抗病毒作用的少数中药之一。Indigowoad root is one of a few well-recognized anti-virus traditional herbs at present time.

采用直接比色法测定板蓝根中靛蓝、靛玉红的质量分数。Extraction and determination of mass ratio of Indigo and Indirubin in Indigowoad root were studied.

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建立板蓝根不同极性萃取物的化学指纹图谱。Chemical fingerprint chromatographs of hetero-polarity extractions of Radix isatidis were established.

目的比较不同来源板蓝根中靛玉红与靛蓝的相对含量。Objective To compare the relative content of Indirubin and Indigo of Indigowoad root from different areas.

目的从板蓝根中提取分离活性成分。OBJECTIVE The bio-active constituents were expected to be obtained from the root of Isatis indigotica Fort.

板蓝根、大青叶有效成分积累高峰期出现在植株的营养生长缓慢期或停滞期。The peak periods of the accumulation of bioactive constituents are oppositely related to the growth of the plant.

而近期他们的研究也显示,品质不同的板蓝根的药疗活性大不一样。And their recent study also showed that the quality of the medication Banlangen different activity quite different.

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目的研究板蓝根提取液的抗甲1型流感病毒鼠肺适应株作用。Objective It is to investigate the influence of Radix Isatidis extraction on mouse with influenza virus FM1 strain.

对于体质比较虚弱,平时脾胃就比较差的人,在感冒流感期间吃板蓝根就不好。Frailer to the constitution, at ordinary times the person with poorer taste, eat during cold flu board La Gen is bad.

目的研究两种螯合树脂A和B用于脱除板蓝根提取液中重金属离子的可行性。Objective To study the feasibility of chelating resins A and B removing heavy metals from the extracts of Radix Isatidis.