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这匹马已经繁殖了好几匹比赛优胜马。This horse has sired several race winners.

他们面临去年的优胜强手的严重威胁。They face a mauling by last year's winners.

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而且,在加利怫尼亚的优胜美地溪谷有国会大厦。Also, there is El Capitan in Yosemite in California.

优胜队之间相互要打七场比赛以决胜负。The top teams will play off seven games against each other.

一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿。A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded AS a prize or trophy.

优胜美地的断崖就是这样一种岩石碎裂的例子。The shear cliff at Yosemite is an example of such rock breakage.

高雷索部长和高大使最后为获得比赛优胜的队伍颁奖。Ambassador Yang presented trophies and medals to some of the winners.

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使一匹强壮的母马与一匹疾驰的牡马交配育种,并希望育成德比马赛的优胜马。Breed a strong mare with a fast stallion and hope for a Derby winner.

它的成立给你,以确保您和您的马成为优胜队伍。It's up to you to make sure you and your horse become a winning team.

市政协副主席林行道等为优胜队伍颁奖。Deputy President of the Municipal PCC, Lin Xingdao awarded the prizes.

优胜队伍成员名字将会刊登在科卫总站网页。The Winning team members' name will be posted in CowieStation website.

西班牙世界杯优胜俱乐部已有七名巴塞的首席队员。Spain's World Cup-winning club contained seven Barcelona first-teamers.

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西班牙世界杯优胜俱乐部已有七名巴塞的首席队员。Spain’s World Cup-winning club contained seven Barcelona first-teamers.

优胜方案的第一名将获得本项目的全程设计委托合同。The winner will be consigned with the contract of entire design process.

耐水,洗色,牢度及耐摩擦度都比纯碱固色优胜。Water, wash color fastness and rubbing degree of fixation better than soda.

你会看到很多不同的景色,从优胜美地的山,到整个海岸线,you have so much variety from the mountains in Yosemite to all the coastline,

本文还分析了八一、东方作为CBA优胜队的4项主要特征与特点。Besides, 4 major characteristics of the two top teams of CBA are also analysed.

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如果时间允许可安排游览优胜美地或他后湖。If time and scheduling permits, we may also visit Yosemite National Park or Lake Tahoe.

但不同的是,这一次它们的车型赢得了特别优胜单项奖。The difference this time is that its cars are winning individual awards for superiority.

对色彩和点、线节奏的敏感,是吴冠中在艺术上的优胜之处。The sensitivity to color and the rhythm of dot and line is really Wu strongpoint in art.