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你是孤独的、孤独的,你是一个隐士,你变得不可理喻。It is lonely.

孤独地生老病死?。To live and die alone?

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我已习惯于孤独。I'm used to loneliness.

孤独是件妙事!?Solitude is a blessing!

诗人老矣,孤独。The poet is old, alone.

在这个凄冷孤独的世界?This bleak world alone?

你将它唤作孤独吗?Do you call it solitude?

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你在那边是孤独的。You are alone out there.

孤独是很可怕的。Being lonely is terrible.

纳瓦霍语远离了孤独。Navajo is far from alone.

只有自然和孤独。Only nature and solitude.

祝我久居深海,孤独终老。Wish me good deep, alone.

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快乐都是孤独的么?Is all happiness solitary?

但弗兰克斯迈思是孤独的。But Frank Smythe was alone.

爱美丽一直在寻求孤独。Amélie still seeks solitude.

你在战场上孤独无助?And you in the battle alone?

我爱罗作为一个孤独的孩子看。Gaara looks lonely as a kid.

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我感觉不到有人爱我,很是孤独。I feel so unloved and alone.

我好似一朵孤独的流云。I wandered lonely as a clou.

老树很孤独很伤心。The tree was lonely and sad.