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你有不在场证据吗?Have you an alibi?

你可以告诉在场的人,and you can tell them,

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案发时,没有证人在场。I wasn't there at the time.

他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。The guests are all present.

在场的没有一个例外。There was not one exception.

他的话使在场的人都受到感动。His words moved everyone present.

案发时还有他人在场。But others were there at the time.

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但是,不在场证明没坚持多久。But the alibi did not hold up long.

他是在场的唯一一名英国人。He was the only Englishman present.

你可以问在场的吉拉乌多。You can ask our administrator here.

天呐,我要是当时在场就好了。God, I would have loved to be there.

在场的客家人是泛中国。The presence of Hakkas is pan-China.

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新船下水时你在场吗?。Are you at the launch of the new ship?

他的话使在场的每个人都深受感动。His words made everyone present moved.

他的话使在场的每个人都深受感动。His words impressed the people present.

他的话使在场的每个人都深受感动。His words deeply moved everyone present.

姚明在接受记者采访时称,“感觉很棒,各国旗帜飘扬,观众们在场边欢呼助威。”It felt great, all the flags and cheering.

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他的一席话使在场的人都笑了。His words fetched a laugh from all present.

设想她曾在场,这是很近情理的。It lies near to suppose that she was there.

国务卿也会在场。The Secretary of State might well be there.