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好,看来一切齐备。Good, everything seems to be in order.

他们买了一栋家具齐备的房子。They bought a house complete with furniture.

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我们军需品齐备,已做好了战斗准备。We have been munitioned and ready for the battle.

只要您选择国泰,您所需的家具及配套产品无不齐备。Once you chose Gotop furniture, you chose the best.

工件齐备之后就可以动手制作了。Once you have all the pieces you can start to build.

不久,东家老爷姚思安出来了,看一切齐备了没有。Soon the master appeared to see that all was in order.

家具材料及配套市场更是齐备。Materials and matching furniture market are also in place.

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因为事实还不全体齐备,海伦只能臆测解决的方式。Without all the facts, Helen could only assumption a band-aid.

而1948年至1949年柏林空运的故事,不仅三者齐备,还有别的看点。The story of the Berlin airlift in 1948-49 has all that and more.

我们生产印字及附标记纸盒,尺码齐备。We produce various sizes of carton boxes with printing and labels.

在MRAM存储器达到万事齐备、只欠东风之前还有一段很长的路要走。There is still a long way to go before MRAM is ready for prime time.

由于人才外流,他们很难保住一班齐备的人马了。They find it difficult to keep good staff because of the brain drain.

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它功能齐备构造简单,就像你的缝纫机,或是你的铸铁炉。It was functional and simple, like your sewing machine or your cast-iron stove.

终有一天你会邃晓,我所做的齐备仅仅是因为爱。Someday you would had known the turth what I did all for you just because love.

制造公司完全职掌齐备安装工程的行政管理。The construction company is fully in charge of the liquid of ingl erection work.

银行门口有一辆马车,马已备好,杰瑞也已穿好皮靴,一切齐备。A carriage with post-horses was ready at the Bank door, and Jerrywas booted and equipped.

该项目土地已征迁,各项手续齐备,可开工建设。The land has been confiscated and all the formalities are ready for starting construction.

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对没有按规定办理合法租赁手续,证明不齐备的,不予受理。No legal stipulations on the lease procedures, the evidence is not available, are inadmissible.

如果他们在设施齐备的寄宿学校上学,能够有饭吃,那么就可以将他们留在学校。If they were in a boarding school with facilities, being fed, then it would keep them in school.

于是对仆人说,喜筵已经齐备,只是所召的人不配。Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.