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铁道平交道口的栅栏没有上去。The railroad barrier won't go up.

一条营运的窄轨铁道。An operating narrow-gauge railroad.

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你肯定曾经在铁道公司当过铁路工人。You musta been a railroad man on that railroad.

铁道大部分位在空气稀薄的高海拔。Much of the railway is at altitudes with thin air.

找到妈妈时,她正坐在铁道对面的一把椅子上。I found mum seated in a chair across the railway line.

宜兰县绿色博览会中的铁道竞速手摇车。The racing push cars at The Green Exhibition of I-Lan.

铁道及电车道机车或其他车辆的零件。Paris of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock.

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东日本铁道公司在一年前已经尝试性的安装了这一系统。JR East has been trialing these systems for the past year.

太平山森林铁道系统中的白岭索道著点。Pai-Ling Rope way, Taipingshan Logging Railway System, 1968.

铁道员也穿起旧款制服以配合场景。A train attendant has put on dated uniform to suit the scene.

人对自己的地方总是不满足的。铁道工说。People are never satisfied where they are, the switchman said.

他们已用栏杆把草地和新铁道的路堑隔离开来。They have railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting.

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太平山森林铁道的客车与加藤制柴油机车。Passenger cars and KATO DL of Taipingshan logging railway, 1968.

你曾否想过铁道下方的那些枕木是什么?Did you ever think what those sleepers are that underlie the railroad?

前方出现了一个大水闸似的建筑,拦腰横跨在铁道上。Up ahead appeared something like a sluice gate, straddling the tracks.

为了避免打个照面,他紧靠铁道陆桥的柱子那边走。To avoid a meeting he drew nearer to the pillars of the railway bridge.

有传言几家主要铁道公司将进行合并。There are rumors of a merger involving several major railroad companies.

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铁道游击队的队员们奔向白山黑水,去迎接新的战役!Railway guerrillas players ran to baishan blackwater, to meet new campaign!

路基与铁轨的振动问题是铁道保障行车质量的关键问题。The vibration of roadbed and rail is key to the safety of the running train.

创业初期,公司的核芯业务是铁道模型和汽车模型。In those early days the company' s core business was model railways and cars.