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把插枝扦插泥炭中。A cutting in a peat bog.

移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

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标题中国泥炭属植物的初步观察。A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum.

他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。He transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil.

最引人注目的地方就是拥有一个大泥炭炉。The centre of attraction was the large turf fire.

强酸性泥炭土常呈现低钙。Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium.

泥炭地滑坡是设德兰群岛沼泽地常见的特征。Peat slides are a regular feature of the Shetland bogs.

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标题几种国产泥炭藓孢子形态的研究。Studies on spore morphology of some Chinese Sphagnum L.

黑色或灰黑色泥炭可以作为燃料而熊熊燃烧。Black or gray and black peat can be used as fuel burning.

利用泥炭为原料制备腐殖酸树脂。The humic acid resin was prepared using peat as material.

就整个泥炭地来说,泥炭地优势种植物为臌囊苔草。For the whole peatland, Carex schmidt ii is dominant species.

由于紧密小鹰芹致密干燥,因此象泥炭一样是很好的燃料。Because the llareta is dry and dense, it burns well, like peat.

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植物组织腐烂形成的泥炭是天然的碳贮藏源。Peat, formed when plant matter rots, is a natural carbon store.

另外,温室气体主要还储存在泥炭地或泥沼里。Peatlands or mires are another major store of greenhouse gases.

泥炭腐植酸对胃泌素的释放没有影响。The peat humic acid showed no effect on gastrin release in rats.

扦插成活苗在泥炭土中之初期生长最好。Peat alone supported the best early growth for rooted microcuttings.

另外还有泥炭、锯末、棉子壳、淤泥等。Some of the others are peat, sawdust, cotton seed hulls, and sludge.

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激烈,椰子和香草,并暗示苏丹娜,柠檬和泥炭。Intense, coconut and vanilla, with a hint of sultana, lemon and peat.

泥炭植物残体是泥炭和泥炭矿体的主要组分。Plant residues are the main component of peat and its mineral bodies.

泥炭藓让土壤变松,蘑菇肥给土地养分。Peat moss is to loosen the soil and mushroom compost is for nutrients.