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你会做针线吗?。Do you know how to sew?

年年社日停针线。Every day to stop sewing.

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做针线活儿,她可是把好手。She is adept at needlework.

上面不要缝口,也不用针线。Without 2 seams nor needle work.

她常在晚上做针线活儿。She often needles in the evening.

不用针线就用情意密密缝。Without no seams nor needle work.

上面不要缝口,也不用针线。Without to seams nor needle work.

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他们说我更适合手握针线Who says my hand a needle better fits

你这里有针线吗?Have you got a needle and thread here?

假装你是一名针线工。Let's pretend that you're a seamstress.

我妻子做各种针线活儿都棒极了。My wife is terrific at any kind of sewing.

那个孤独的病人从针线活儿里获得乐趣。The lonely patient derives pleasure from sewing.

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在纱支小店里围坐一圈做做针线。Sit in at the knitting circle down at the yarn shop.

女孩子们一面做针线一面喋喋不休。The girls were chattering away over their needle work.

继续做针线活儿,我给你讲个故事。Please carry on with your sewing. I'll tell you a story.

你将要有多少针线钱,有多少珠宝,多少马车啊!What pin-money, what jewels, what carriages you will have!

切勿将针线从一个区域跨到相隔很远的另一区域。Do not needle cross from one area to another area far apart.

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当她单独一人时,唯一可做的事是做针线和看电视。Her only resorts when she is alone are sewing and watching TV.

没有缝口,也不用针线,那么他就会是我的心上人。Without no seams nor needle work, then he'll be a true love of mine.

他的双手抖得太厉害,针线都穿不上,眼睛老花得连线都轧不直。And his vision had blurred too much for him to make a straight stitch.