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你认为哪一位是最佳着装者呢?Who do you think was best dressed?

我在网上查了一些着装技巧。I searched online for dressing tips.

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与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。The woman with him was similarly attired.

看看它们的设计,人们的着装!Their design, the people, the dress-code!

在学校里,更合适的着装可能是斜纹粗棉布和灯芯绒长裤.。For school try denim and corduroy trousers.

我们都知道这整理着装举止的含义。We all know what these preening gestures mean.

如有工作装,必须按要求着装。For work with, we must, as required dress code.

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我觉得女孩子出门时的着装实在夸张。In my opinion, girls overdress when they go out.

提前订好着装和交通旅行计划Have your clothing and travel planned in advance.

他学着装窗上的玻璃和插销。He learned how to fix window glasses and latches.

不需要再写出着装规定了,。No dress-code description was necessary, he adds.

清洁和磨光用的麂皮。为工作精心着装。Piece of chamois used for cleaning and polishing.

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负责来店临时工、实习生的着装配置。Issue uniforms to the casual workers and trainees.

您想要买正式着装鞋还是休闲鞋呢?Would you like to buy dress shoes, or casual shoes?

还有,谷歌的着装要求是“你必须穿衣服。Also, Google’s dress code is “You must wear clothes”.

我打电话,整理着装去面试。I called, I went in for interviews, I got dressed up,

我们将评出最佳着装奖并且颁发奖品。We will have a Christmas costume contest with prizes.

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难道这种善于便服的着装规定不会损害公司形象吗?Won't the relaxed dress code damage the company image?

我六年级的儿子刚发了学校着装规章。We just received the new dress code for my sixth-grader.

我们都知道工作场合的着装确实会影响个人的职业发展,那么该如何让自己看起来更职业化、更受老板待见呢?Here are four tips for dressing professionally on the job