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如果包装内部有干燥剂,在包装外必须作出标记Package must be marked if desiccant inside

你可尝试使用干燥剂干燥它,并更换电池。Try drying it with a desiccant and replacing the battery.

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气密性包装有两个干燥剂袋。Two desiccant bags are delivered in an air-tight package.

在净化处理汽轮机油过程中不需要用其它的吸附剂、干燥剂。In this process, there is no need of any additives and drying agent.

奶粉,面粉,豆奶粉,干燥剂,医药粉等。Powder, like milk powder, flour, soybean powder Medicine powder, etc.

干燥剂剂量愈大,种子失水速度愈快。The dehydration rate was increased by adding the dosage of desiccants.

使用了干燥剂喘息的空气不断进入油箱的清洁及干燥。Use of a desiccant breather keeps air entering a reservoir clean and dry.

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吸附式干燥机一般采用硅胶、活性氧化铝、分子筛作为干燥剂。Adsorption dryer by silica gel, activated alumina, zeolite as a desiccant.

铝胶干燥剂本产品专门用于氯丙烯及PTA干燥。This product used in dry of chloroEthylene dilutes chlorpromazine and PTA.

一般来说,吸水性强的物质均可用作干燥剂。Generally speaking water-absorbing materials can all be used as a desiccant.

每5KG用塑膜真空封装,并装入干燥剂。Product Intro Each 5KG be packed in a vacuumed polybag, enclosed with drier.

测试了新型复合干燥剂和硅胶的平衡吸附性能。A new composite desiccant used in the manufacture of dehumidifier was tested.

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其主要材料是铝间隔条、弯角栓、丁基橡胶、聚硫胶、干燥剂。Its main material is the corners, butyl rubber, plastic, desiccant and sulfur.

NREL使用一种含盐干燥剂的糖浆式液体吸走湿气。NREL uses syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity.

干燥剂不会因脱落和振动等原因泄漏水溶液或胶状物。No leak of the water solution and gelled material due to falling off and shaking.

铬酸盐基颜料以及铅盐用于干燥剂可以替代。Chromate-based pigments as well as Lead salts used as dryers could be substituted.

这个系统包括了袜子,保护靴子皮的蜡,和靴子的干燥剂。The systems also include socks , boot-care paste wax for leather, and boot dryers.

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将湿度指示卡密闭保存在原始包装铁罐中,并放入干燥剂。Store humidity indicator cards in original container with desiccant and keep sealed.

沈阳颗粒包装机,干燥剂包装设备,汤料包装机。Shenyang grain packing machine, desiccant packaging equipment, packaging machine soup.

采购产品药料和干燥剂,树脂,葡萄干,药料大体上,豆子,扁豆,金丝雀种子。Spices and Seasonings, Resin, Raisins, Spices In General, Beans, Lentils , Canary Seed.