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啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨!Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate.

乔治伸出膀子,亲亲热热地搂住我的肩膀。George put a kindly arm around my shoulders.

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所有那些妇女对每个孩子都是亲亲热热的。All these women were gentle with the children.

他们会永远住在一起,大家亲亲热热的。They would always live together and be fond of each other.

但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。But thou wilt love her dearly, as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her.

但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。But thou wilt love her dearly , as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her.

她一把搂住了她朋友的脖子,亲亲热热地吻了她一下,带着宝贝很快就跑了。She sprang upon the neck of her friend, kissed her passionately, then fled with her treasure.

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与大人们亲亲热热聊了一阵儿之后,卡门·艾尔茜拉觉得闷了,就躲进了洗衣房。After hobnobbing with the adults for a time, though, Carmen Elcira had grown bored and retreated to the laundry room.

“唉,那可太让人难过了!”做母亲的回答说。“但是她会亲亲热热地爱你的,你也会一样爱她的。她就在不远的地方。我来叫叫她!珠儿!珠儿!”"Ah, that was sad!" answered the mother. "But she will love thee dearly, and thou her. She is not far off. I will call her! Pearl! Pearl!"

“另外还有一件事,”他在和莉斯特亲亲热热地告别时对她说,“如果你结了婚,我坚持你得辞去你的工作”。There is only one more thing", he said, as made Lisette an affectionate farewell, "if you marry I must insist on your giving up your work. "

那孩子见他妈妈当着同学们的面亲亲热热、婆婆妈妈的对待他,感到害臊,不知如何是好。The child was ashamed of the affectionate fuss his mother was making of him in front of his schoolmates and didn't know where to turn his eyes.

就连露丝也受到了伤害,因为她有些顾脸面,而她的爱人却跟玛利亚那么亲亲热热,带了那么一帮衣衫褴褛的葡萄牙小叫花子,那样子真不体面,而最叫她难受的却是他在她眼里那种没有自尊和自爱的样子。Even Ruth was hurt, for she had some regard for appearances, and her lover, cheek by jowl with Maria, at the head of that army of Portuguese ragamuffins, was not a pretty sight.