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金钱有助于解决所缺乏的衣食住行问题。Money can help food, cloth and house in need.

这位绅士有一个男仆照顾他的衣食住行。The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.

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金钱只是一种货币,让你支付衣食住行的费用而已。Money is simply a currency that allows you to eat, dress and live.

感谢London这篇有关美国衣食住行方面的文章。Thank LONDON for this article about the basic necessities in U. S. A.

你们一定要注意衣食住行啊。You need to be mindful of food, clothing, accommodation and transport.

衣食住行都很重要,做为新时期的中学生,上学肯定要“行”。All life is very important, as a new era of middle school, must be "line".

能告诉我美国的衣食住行及通讯的基本费用吗?。Tell me something aBout food, clothing, shelter and transportation in your country.

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而不那么受欢迎的人则更倾向于谈论工作,衣食住行和自己的想法。Less popular people are more likely to talk about work, sleeping, eating and thinking.

衣食住行”中服饰被排在了第一位,可见它在日常生活中的重要性。The basic necessities "is the first in apparel, and shows its importance in the daily life."

衣食住行作为四大生活要素,经常受到关注。Being four top factors of living, clothes, food, house and traffic are always paid attention to.

衣食住行、医疗、教育,这些才是整天悬在人们脑中的问题。Things like basic needs, medical treatment, and education are in the forefront of people's minds all day.

其他衣食住行的物质享受像肥皂、热水淋浴、自来水等,也会让这个森林少年感到心烦不安。Other creature comforts, such as soap, hot showers, and running water, are also “unsettling” the youngster.

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年迈的父母有那个精力和能力管好孩子的衣食住行好好学习不掉队不学坏吗?Elderly parents have the energy and ability to control child's life to learn not to bad did not lag behind it?

还有,他不注重衣食住行,而热衷于购买法律书籍。Second, he pays little attentation to his cloth, food or other enjoyments but spend much money to buy law books.

其实,我们的衣食住行,哪一样东西都在交税,交给谁呢?公务员啊!Actually we pay tax of clothing, food, shelter and transportation, in aspects of our life, which paid to offical.

而这一次,他更是大张旗鼓地表示要以一个人、一张嘴、一台戏“笑侃三十年衣食住行”。This time, he is said to be a big way to a man, a mouth, a drama, "McCain laughed three years basic necessities."

我在北京的全程,衣食住行方方面面都得到了李先生悉心的照顾。All during my stay in Beijing, Mr. Glis was thoughtful and considerate of me, and of those around me, in every way.

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还是我说的,一个勤劳的,有觉悟人养了狗,他会自觉的负担起狗狗的衣食住行。Or I said, a hard-working, conscientious people keep a dog, he will consciously afford the basic necessities of dogs.

本报记者这就带广大读者打探媒体村,揭秘记者在“新闻战”期间的衣食住行。This large number of readers with this reporter Datan media village, in Revelation's "news war" during the Community.

然而可悲。的是,如今中国人的艺术、衣食住行甚至思维方式正渐渐地沦为西方文明的附庸。But right now, the Chinese art, eating, moving and even the thought is becoming the appendant of the west civilization.