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莫小贝是佟湘玉的小姑子。Mo, the sister of Tong.

我的小姑子呀,你看这小脸花的。My younger sister. Look at your dirty face.

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姐姐和小姑子的感情比亲生姐妹还要好。Her sister and sister-in-law get along better than real sisters.

她真是第一等的小姑子,厨艺一流,机智友好。She's a first-rate sister-in-law, a great cook, witty and also kind.

小姑子还以为是自己嫂子让人给她送饭来的,就吃了。Uncles son thought that his wife to her meal delivery to people , and ate.

在准备向小姑子扯这个弥天大谎的时候我紧张得心直跳。My heart bangs in my chest as I prepare to tell my sister-in-law a whopper.

惑,招呼着这位牛姨妈和小姑子进屋里坐。Delude, receive this son of aunt Niu and husband's younger sister to enter house to sit.

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我的小姑子卡罗尔站在门口,手里端着一个大碗。My sister-in-law Carol stood framed in the doorway with a large bowl clutched in her hands.

小姑子高文平在经历感情挫折后,爱上了于文雅的哥哥于志忠。Small sister-in-law Gao Wenping is after experience feeling setback, fell in love with elder brother Yu Zhizhong of Yu Wenya.

低矮的意大利茶蜡没有传统蜡烛有节日的气氛,但我不敢在凯文生日之后这么短时间里又叫小姑子帮忙。They weren't as festive as traditional candles, but I didn't dare ask my sister-inlaw for help in the candle department so soon after Kevin's birthday.

没想到潮水升起,船离陆岸,小姑子无法上岸,没饭吃没水喝是又饥又渴。Did not expect the rising tide, the ship away from land and shore, uncles son could not go ashore, no food and no water to drink is another hungry and thirsty.

艾莉活着贤家的显示让他妈、大姐和小姑子都很不称心,看状况不妙她又伪装肚里的孩子有问题。Hen house display ellicott alive, elder sister and let his mama XiaoGuZi are not gratified, looking at this bad again she disguise his stomach children have problems.

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在小姑子的挑唆下,小草与婆婆的距离瞬间拉远,尽管她依然执着担负着儿媳的责任。Below the abet of small sister-in-law, the distance of small grass and mother-in-law is pulled for an instant far, although she still the responsibility that persistence is bearing a daughter-in-law.