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我们来到的这个地方,是水乡风情园。Here is the Water Village Style Garden.

我们来自你们称之为金星的水乡。We come from the watery place your people call Venus.

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我们来自中国广东省佛山市顺德,是一个典型的珠三角水乡。We are come from Shunde Foshan Guangdong Province in China.

不过我很熟悉泥鳅,它在适宜种植水稻的水乡是非常常见的。But I know loach very well. It is common in rice-planting area.

我的故乡是水乡。是湖泊、流泉的国度。My hometown is a watery region, a kingdom of lakes and fountains.

乌镇是江南有名的古镇,同时它是个很美的水乡。Jiangnan famous ancient town is unique, and it's a beautiful water.

美丽—将让读者更赏心地领略这座江南水乡的旖旎风光。Beauty----to enjoy the beautiful town and its surrounding landscape.

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中国的水城水乡多,尤其是在长三角这个地区。China has many water towns, especially in the Yangtze river delta area.

怀揣着共同的梦想,我们心连心暂别水乡。With same dream, and hearts connected together despite being so far apart.

在水乡,你可常听到“皮包水”的说法。In the rivers and lakes, you can often hear the phrase "bag water" argument.

浙江嘉兴附近的乌镇,具有浓烈的水乡风味。Watery town Wuzhen near Jiaxing, Zhejiang is very typical of Jiangnan taste.

对陈逸飞而言,江南水乡更盛载他的少年回忆。To Chen, these villages by the water were filled with the memories of his youth.

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乌镇民俗风情浓郁,是反映江南水乡生活的活化博物馆。Wuzhen rich folk customs, reflecting the activation of Jiangnan Water Life Museum.

常州为江南水乡,河渠纵横,桥梁众多。Changzhou is a water country of the Jiangnan, canals criss-crossing, bridges legion.

安昌一个很有格调的水乡小镇,水乡小镇!Cheong KeeAn Chang-style fishing village in a very small town, fishing village town!

江苏的苏州是个水乡也是一个园林城市。Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a city of rivers and canals and also a city of gardens.

此种船都为渔家水上作业的夫妻船,以前在八百里江南水乡随处可以看到,而且为数极为众多。It is a couple boat for fishing, and can be seen in South China before here and there.

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我们将用半天的时间游历古镇水乡-周庄。You will experience the picturesque old water village Zhou Zhuang on his half day tour.

她是一个富饶悠久的江南水乡,又是一个不断发展的现代化城市。It's not only a rich and old waterland town, but also a continuous developing modern city.

乌镇水乡风貌完整,保持了完整的江南水乡格局。Wuzhen Water Village style integrity, and maintain a complete pattern of Yangtze River Delta.