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谁被称为“铁血宰相”?Who was known as Iron chancellor?

乌龟是谁?是海龙王的宰相啊。Is the Dragon King of the prime minister ah.

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可是为什么这宰相府的大门冲北面开呀?But why does this prime minister's gate face the north?

你必作以色列的王,我也作你的宰相。You will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you.

年老的国王授予这位年轻宰相的权力太小了。The old king reposed too little power in the young chancellor.

这时的但以理,已是朝廷宰相,仅在大利乌王一人之下。This man was Number One in the government next to King Darius.

法老在约瑟30岁时立他作埃及的宰相。Joseph was 30 years old when the Pharaoh made him second in Charge.

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后来,有人赞蒋琬“宰相肚里能撑船”。"Later, it was praised Jiang Wan, " the prime minister goes to punt.

后来管仲当了齐国的宰相,而曹沫做了鲁国的将军。Later when the state of qi guanzhong ruler, and cao foam did lu general.

那时,约瑟已经是埃及的宰相了,他把粮食卖给所有的人。Now Joseph was the governor of the land. He sold grain to all the people.

我们国家早在宋朝,就有黑人官居宰相。In China, as early as the Sung Dynasty, when there are black prime minister.

皇帝只是一个年轻的领导人,他要受宰相的影响。The emperor was only a young ruler under the influence of the chief minister.

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作为700多年前的宰相,阿合马的个人能力也值得后人借鉴学习。Ahmmad's capabilities were worth us studying as a prime minister 700 years ago.

宰相这样的反应,就表示孔子、墨翟都是尊贵的象征。Response of the minister means that Confucius and Modi are symbols of nobility.

这里啊曾经居住过商王武丁和他的宰相傅说。King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty once lived here with his Prime Minister Fu Yue.

叶衡被罢工去宰相职位之后,回到家里。Yehen been to the prime minister post after the strike and return to their homes.

他又使我如法老的父,作他全家的主,并埃及全地的宰相。He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.

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然后,赵高耍阴谋杀死了宰相,夺走了他的官位。After that, Zhao Gao, through intrigue, killed the prime minister and took over his post.

告诉他说,约瑟还在,并且作埃及全地的宰相。And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt.

在诸多客观因素的驱使下,楚王选择我做他的宰相。Chu appointed me as his minister. Other factors occurred later made him appointed others.