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是故步自封还是险中求生?Are complacent or insurance to survive?

大多数成年人确实都故步自封起来。Most adults do stop feeding their minds.

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这就是为什么说阿尔塞纳-温格是一位伟大的教练,因为他从不故步自封。This is why Arsene Wenger is a great coach because he doesn't stand still.

然而,一夜之间,我们变老、变得画地自限而故步自封,就像其他人一样。Then, over-night, we got old, entrenched and sloppy , just like everyone else.

传统混凝土学科故步自封,降低高新技术含量,难以创新。Traditional study of concrete has little content of hi-tech, and is difficult to be original.

不要太高兴和你睡在我们故步自封,因为什麽是现在播种,收割,其余的你的生活。Do not get too happy and you sleep on our laurels because of what is now sowing, harvesting the rest of your life.

我们应该牢记,我们作为一个国家取得这样的成就,是因为我们在变革的时期没有故步自封。It will require us to remember that we did not get to where we are as a nation by standing pat in a time of change.

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因为有时记忆可以强大到让我们故步自封,沉睡在一瞬间。But we can't forget to grow, evolve, because sometimes, a memory can be so powerful that we get stuck in it, frozen in a moment.

更常见的是企业故步自封,没有投资改善工厂及技术,而导致美国北方的工作机会逐渐减少。More typically, however, there was a gradual reduction in Northern jobs as corporations failed to invest in improved plants and technology.

当初他接手的世行,是一家故步自封、接近落伍的机构。他为该机构重新确立工作重点,并恢复员工士气,以投入扶贫工作。He took an institution that was defensive and on the verge of irrelevance, refocused it and re- energised its staff to work on poverty reduction.

但是,一旦创建者与世长辞,偏离初衷的管理者们将故步自封,而基金会也会僵化不堪、迷失方向。But, after the founder has died, foundations tend to become sclerotic and directionless —the fiefs of administrators who have lost sight of the original aims.

转变企业机制、转变思想观念,加强创新精神、不故步自封,积极扩大市场范围、树立以销售为中心的思想,加强营销力量等,这些都应该是老字号品牌要所改变的。Any old-line brand should change its idea, managing system, and then making innovation, trying to spread out, bulding up a kind of thought which is selling in centre.

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但也不能故步自封.刘明康说,如果经济开始过热,中国可能采取反周期补充资本措施,西班牙因采取这种模式而闻名.But it is not about to rest on its laurels. Liu said China may introduce counter-cyclical capital charges -- a model for which Spain is best known -- if the economy begins to overheat.