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这些盆地在地形图中很明显。These basins are evident in the topographic image.

人脸的“地形图"透露了什么?What does the topography of a face say about a person?

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外交版,单元顺序,为地形图式。In the diplomatic edition,the order of units is topographic.

地形图缩编是一项系统性、规范性很强的工作。Topographic map generalization is very systematic and normative.

这个可能性需要一个四角形的游戏的地形图吗?Does this possibility require the topology of a four-cornered game?

地形图要素的分类和编码。The classification and codifying of topographic map essential factors.

等高线就像是这幅图的地形图。And then, the contour plot will be the topographical map for this graph.

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这张地形图可能会帮助矿产勘查组勘测这片区域的矿含量。This map is likely to aid mineral exploration currently occurring in the area.

你需要的地形图,因为你想逃脱到穷乡僻壤?Do you need topographic maps because you're wanting to get away into the backcountry?

记录围术期近似熵脑电非线性地形图。The perioperative EEG non-linear topographic map of approximate entropy was recorded.

目的观察角膜地形图仪与散瞳验光测得的散光差异。To evaluate differences on astigmatism in corneal topography and mydriatic optometry.

地形图的测绘和应用是普通测量学的核心内容之一。Topographic mapping and application of an ordinary surveying one of the core content.

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脑地形图也显示,这两种刺激的引起的电位分布相似。The brain topography also shows that both stimuli have similar potential distribution.

对脑电地形图在神经心理研究中的应用作一综述。The application of brain electrical activity mapping in neuropsychology is intro-duced.

在现有1∶500地形图基础上,若采用重测的方法需要耗费大量的资金和时间。A re-survey method based on the 1∶ 500 topographic maps requires a lot of money and time.

对于特殊的显示,使用地形图或许要比使用默认地图的效果更好。Perhaps a topographical map is better for a particular display than the default map view.

方法磁石枕、氯氮平两组患者在入组前及治疗3个月后的脑电地形图检测对比。Methods The two group patients were tested using BEAM before and after 3 months treatment.

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这些分析师在大张的地形图上以向量绘制出结果,方便消防人员理解。The analysts drew the results as vectors on a big topographic map for firefighters to see.

结合TM卫星影象和1∶5万地形图,解译了小江流域内泥石流堆积扇的范围。Using TM image and 1∶50000 topographic maps, each debris flow deposited scopes are examined.

地形图不仅表示出平面位置,而且还通过某种方法显示地貌。Topographical maps not only show planimetric position but also indicate relief by some method.