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陪审团不会仅仅根据旁证来定罪。The jury will not convict on circumstantial evidence alone.

不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.

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他们把这个只当作上是这家瑞士王牌银行又多了一个旁证而已。They take it as just one more confirmation of the leading Swiss bank.

一个痛苦的主妇抑制了有旁证的玩具的硬度。A distressed mistress has suppressed the witnessed stiffness of the harness.

在法庭上你只能说有它存在的一些旁证,但没有足以一锤定音的证据。In court you would say there was some circumstantial evidence for it, but no proof.

事实上,早期的探索就发现在那有冰的旁证。Indeed, earlier probes had found circumstantial evidence of at least some ice there before.

因此,它很可以成为云南回族受难史的一个艺术旁证。So that it likely is a artistic circumstantial evidence of the history of suffering of Yunnan Hui.

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但是最高法庭说,一系列旁证毫无疑问的证明Hayashi是凶手。But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence proves beyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.

该图片提供了一颗年轻恒星正从胚胎云中诞生的旁证。The image offers circumstantial evidence that a young star is being born inside the placental cloud.

我会称呼迄今为止的旁证,为“双重打击”。I'll call what the circumstantial evidence is so far indicating the "Double Whammy" A one, two punch.

一位警员说,“我们依靠旁证,就要收到对现场和残骸的法医报告。We are relying on circumstantial evidence and are obtaining forensic reports about the site and remains.

在这其中,是电影的哪些特性丰富、改变了艺术的能指,电影的“灵光”究竟何在,也能够从上面的论述中获得一些旁证。In this one, which features of film have changed the signifiant of "Art", where can we find the "Aurora"?

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但是,许多旁证在不同方面让人想起,像是闪回到Salt在苏联的超级间谍霍格沃茨那里的童年生活。But a lot of circumstantial evidence, like flashbacks to her childhood at the Soviet superspy Hogwarts, suggests otherwise.

倘若能再有其他的现象来旁证这一点,那上家手里有一对或一坎1筒,便能够证实了。If no other phenomena to circumstantial evidence to this point, the home has a pair or a Hom 1 cylinder, will be able to confirm.

然而,现在最权威的一项研究表明,这应该归咎于性激素,并且大量旁证也支撑了这一说法。The best research, however, now suggests that sex hormones are to blame, and loads of circumstantial evidence support this theory.

本文还从理论上旁证了准直系统对于激光精密测长的重要性。In the paper, a collimating system that is of great importance to the precise laser interferometric length measurement is also theoretically proved.

本文从问题与表现、原因与旁证、实质与结论等方面粗略地考察了时代文化的现状,宏观分析了造成这些现象的原因。This article touches upon the cultural status quo from the aspects of "problem and representation, cause and collateral evidence, essence and conclusion".

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同墓出土的银缕玉衣、木璧、人体经脉漆雕、陶质丹丸等文物是炼丹实物的旁证。The jade clothes sewn with silver thread, wood Bi, painted figurine with nerve and vein, and pottery pills from the same tomb also serve as collateral evidence.

不过,分析师表示,相关旁证却很有说服力。此外,其他拥有相应能力、财力和动机,可能参与此事的国家非常少。But the circumstantial evidence iscompelling, analysts say. And the list of other potential nation-state actorswith the capability, wherewithal and motive is short.

根据当代警方文件中对嫌疑犯的定义在梅尔维尔爵士1894年的备忘录中包括三个人,但是证据却显示他们充其量是旁证。Suspects named in contemporary police documents include three in Sir Melville Macnaghten's 1894 memorandum, but the evidence against them is circumstantial at best.