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女主人周旋于宾客之间。The hostess circulated among her guests.

你们必须耐心和巴西队周旋到底’。You have to have patience against Brazil.”’

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企鹅将军始终赢得斗智周旋。Penguin Generals always win in a battle of wits.

少掏一分钱,那你还是继续在官僚主义中周旋去吧。A penny less and you're on your own in the labyrinth.

女主人的任务之一就是和客人周旋交际。One of the hostess's duties is to mingle with the guests.

他在办公室里,我们现在就进去跟他周旋一番吧!He's in his office, so let's beard the lion in his den now.

这种两面周旋的态度在整个寄居海外运动中极为明显。This tug is apparent in the whole movement of expatriation.

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我是个易怒的人,决无耐心与蠢人周旋。I get angry very easily and am not one to suffer fools gladly.

然而他需要巨大的毅力去和开罗的官员周旋。But he needed immense patience to deal with Cairo’s bureaucracy.

随后,警方安排小思的父亲与绑匪展开周旋。Subsequently, the police to arrange these father and the expansion.

间谍运用美色与智慧,周旋其中,担当鱼饵。Spies use sex, intelligence, and the thrill of a secret life as bait.

他们想用我们的个人信息同广告商们周旋。They want our personal information to dangle in front of advertisers.

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八戒,老沙,你们在这里和她周旋,我去救师父。Pig and the old sand, you are here dealing with her, I save the Master.

相反,竞选者周旋于公共住房以及促进就业的政策问题。Instead candidates jousted over plans for public housing and job creation.

一个用敏捷和贴身技能去与敌人周旋的侠客。A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies.

周旋在长舌的邻居和街道上发生的消失中间?Deal with the gossipy neighbors and trivial issues that happen on the street?

看到这里,有些潜在创业者可能会想,为什么一定要跟投资者周旋呢?Some would-be founders may by now be thinking, why deal with investors at all?

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他们不喜欢整天为了生计、为了名利,庸庸碌碌地周旋在俗事之间。They don't like to bustle in and out for living, worldly trivia, fame and wealth.

按转体的周数分两周旋、三周旋等。Two weeks revolve, three weeks according to swivel Zhou Shufen revolve and so on.

和反泛欧主义者甚至是民族主义者周旋会增加危险因素。They add ominously that this risks flirting with Euroscepticism, even nationalism.