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她的腿长,线条优美,面庞娇美,只有11.5英寸高。She would be long limbed , shapely, beautiful, and only 11.5 inches tall.

来自塞内加尔的穆萨,面庞黝黑、两眼有神。Moussa from Senegal is a young man with a darkened face and bright piercing eyes.

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小雷开个几万的qq车,同样面庞黝黑,但戴个眼镜。Little Lei Kai tens of thousands of QQ cars, also face dark, but wearing a pair of glasses.

无论是普通邮寄还是电子卡片,及时恰当的问候会让悲伤的面庞展露笑容。Whether through snail mail ore-mail, the right greeting can put a smile on the saddest face.

无论是普通邮寄还是电子卡片,及时恰当的问候会让悲伤的面庞展露笑容。Whether through snail mail or e-mail, the right greeting can put a smile on the saddest face.

照片上的她衣着暴露,在焦糖色头发的遮映下,娇美面庞若隐若现。Photos on the site show her in revealing outfits, a mane of caramel-colored hair framing her face.

当我在走廊上碰到他们,在周围充满敌意的面庞中我体验着禅意,我心如止水。When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE.

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只是城里最孤单的一个人,寻觅一个友好的微笑,但我能看到的只有面庞而已。Just the loneliest guy in the town, looking for a friendly smile, but all that I could see were faces.

研究者声称,读女校的女生更偏好面庞女性化的男性。Girls who attend single- sex schools are more attracted to feminine looking boys, researchers have claimed.

我经常和我所爱的人们一起到这里来,阅读她们洋溢着爱情的面庞上的清美的微笑。I have often been here with those I loved and read on their features the clear smile the face of love assumes.

世上有这样一些女子,面庞儿好,丰韵也好,但被造化安排错了,生长在一个小职员的家庭里。她便是其中的一个。She was one of those pretty and charming girls who are sometimes, as if by a mistake of destiny, born in a family of clerks.

远处,布卢姆出现在铁桥下的彼端,面庞涨得通红,气喘吁吁,正往侧兜里塞面包和巧克力。On the farther side under the railway bridge bloom appears flushed, panting, cramming bread and chocolate into a side pocket.

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它那双充满好奇心的大眼睛与缺乏表情的面庞似是被机械化,如同大量生产的漫画和杂志。The wide-eyed look of fascination and lack of expression is mechanical, as if mass manufactured like anime books and magazines.

但从着装和饱经风霜的面庞来看,她应该是在温泉附近的田地里劳作的妇女。Her traditional garb and weathered face, however, indicated that she was one of the many women who work the fields near the springs.

如果你面庞窄,下巴小,脖子细,或者小的时候因为牙齿太挤就戴了牙套,你就更可能患呼吸道阻力综合症。If you have a narrow face, small jaw, thin neck, or you wore braces as a child for overcrowded teeth, you're more likely to have UARS.

雷站在他身后的一侧,俊朗而苍白的面庞上映射出屏幕中断断续续的闪光。Rem stood behind him, just off to one side, the handsome features of his pale face highlighted by the screen's intermittent flashings.

他们遇到了一位占卜者,她只说了一句“从现在起,珍惜每一分钟”,然后一滴泪珠从占卜者面庞滑落。They came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on. " and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.

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这里有许多老人有面庞黝黑辫着发辫的老妇人,有双手因劳作而关节如同木结的老头儿,都过来跪在我们周围祈祷。A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work- gnarled hands.

每天,在凯蒂布莉儿姣好的面庞上我都能看到它——这种对于生命的热爱,这种急切,这种希望以经验与快乐填充每天、每时、每刻的需求。I see it, every day, in Catti-brie's fair face-this love of life, this urgency, this need to fill the hours and the days with experience and joy.

同时,他认为侧耳聆听之时不禁张口、聚精会神之际抿紧嘴唇、至爱亲朋之间面庞相交等并非人类所独有。Humans, he thought, were not alone in opening their mouths when listening, pursing their lips when concentrating or touching faces with loved ones.