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欢愉的音波,在金色的暮霭中游泳。The joyous sound wave drifted through the golden evening mist.

音波能量的集中爆炸从黄蜂科之蜂中子爆破工点火。Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters.

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现在,他不仅仅是一位声音工程师更是一位音波探险家!Now he is a full-time sonic explorer transforming crackles and bleeps into something primal.

这个声音波来自这个音叉传递并且让音叉靠近这个共振使用相同能量。The sound waves from this fork propagates and makes forks nearby resonate with the same energy.

在显示器的金属线上系一个小的促动器已使其振动玻璃而产生音波。A wirein the display attaches to a small actuator that vibrates the glass to producesound waves.

而训练方式则有音波训练、光波训练以及水行训练等。Training methods include training in sound waves and light waves and training in walking on water.

分析了正常的呼吸音、干性罗音和湿性罗音波形的特点。There's also an analysis of undulate form feature of vesicular breath sounds dry rale and wet rale.

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一只雄短吻鳄鱼哼叫时发出的亚音波激起片片水花。The water droplets are being sent into the air by the vibration of a male alligator's sub-sonic call.

这种方法利用由恒星内部音波引起的表面振动来描绘其内部结构。This method uses surfacevibrations caused by acoustic waves inside the star to map interior structure.

介绍了音波振动式全自动筛分仪测量系统。It introduces a sonic-wave vibrating type measuring system working totally automatic by sieving instrument.

介绍了一种基于音波播放的时空双通道机器人触觉再现系统。A spatiotemporal bi-channel robot tactile representation system based on sound wave technology is introduced.

通过反复地检查不太可能的或者不正确的字母搭配,泰格博士的软件从无序的音波中整理出了可理解的文句。By repeatedly revising unlikely or incorrect letter assignments, Dr Tygar's software extracts sense from sonic chaos.

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而参入了橡胶的沥青本身也具有柔韧性和轻微的弹性,这可以使它吸收更多讨厌的音波能量。The rubberised bitumen itself is flexible and slightly springy, which enables it to absorb more unwanted sonic energy.

我随着音波浑身发抖,无力地松开青蛙怪,捂住耳朵,向后探望。I all over shiver along with the sound wave and feebly loosen to open frog strange, the Wu lives ear and visits backward.

同样,如果您对手得技术比您强,在您进攻得时候,要密切注意可能突然出现得音波塔。Also, if your opponent is outplaying you while you are on the offensive, keep on the lookout for Sonic Emitters that may pop up.

要是你能把你那专科学历学以致用,帮我装好高频音波发生器的话就能快很多了。This would go a lot faster if you put your trade school diploma to work and helped me set up this high-frequency tone generator.

丧钟甲虫是一种巨甲虫的变种,在很久以前由于过度暴露于变形魔法和音波能量中而被扭曲。Knell beetle are an off-shoot of giant beetles that were long ago warped by overexposure to transmutation magic and sonic energy.

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这项荣获发明奖的产品能自然地释放远红外线、负离子及锗,并备有音波振动功能。It is an award-winning invention which can naturally emit Far Infrared Rays, Anion and Germanium with Sonic Vibration capabilities.

当其向无线电极发出超声脉冲时,电极中的接收器会因音波能量而震动。When the pulse-generator sends an ultrasonic pulse to the wireless electrode, the sonic energy causes a receiver in the electrode to vibrate.

在南极洲,积雪会反射音波,而且效率高的令人难以置信。一些去过南极洲的研究人员说,他们听到过一英里以外人的声音。In Antarctica, the hard, flat snow reflects sound waves with incredible efficiency. Some researchers say they have heard human voices a mile away.