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酒性开始发作。The liquor began to show its effect.

自制的酒有的酒性很烈。Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.

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你并不懂得酒性,它是会使你醉的。You're not knowing spirits and they will be making you tipsy.

提取物丰厚、酒性丰满、完美地葡萄酒所具有地特征。Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract, vinous and complete.

提取物丰富、酒性饱满、完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract , vinous and complete.

吧台与房间的长度一致,而酒保用鲜榨的果汁混合制成酒性的饮料。The bar runs the length of the room, and bartenders mix up potent drinks made with freshly-pressed juices.

经筛选试验后得到13株产酒性能良好的单倍体和19株耐渗性能良好的单倍体。By measuring the endurance of yeast haploids, 13 high ethanol-production haploids and 19 good osmotolerant haploids were selected.

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比起邻居拉图庄和姐妹园碧尚女爵堡,男爵堡的酒性如何?Comparing to your neighbor Chateau Latour and your sibling Chateau Pichon Lalade, what is the outstanding difference of your wine?

男爵堡的酒性有阳刚之气,而女爵堡则有女性之美,那是因为女爵堡的酒采用了较大比例的梅乐所致。Chateau Pichon Baron is like a man because the taste is strong and more masculine, while Chateau Lalade is more feminine because of its higher percentage of merlot.

他们会吵嘴,然后又和好,而他会跟我一起长途散步,出一身汗使酒性发散,并且下定决心说这回他可要真正的干一场了,而且准会有个好的开端。They would quarrel and then make up and he would sweat out the alcohol on long walks with me, and make up his mind that this time he would really work, and would start off well.

酒性柔和,酒色橙黄清亮,酒香馥郁芬芳,酒味甘香醇厚,为绍兴酒中的珍贵佳酿。Stockpiled for several years, Shaoxing rice wine has turned to Huadiao wine, which is crowned as a rare vintage due to its brilliant orange yellow colour, rich mellowness and sweet taste.