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即使看似土气,但仍是时尚和别致的。Even if the look is rustic, it is still modern, sleek and chic.

关于邪恶乡绅和土气佃农的传统传奇剧。The traditional melodrama of the wicked squire and rustic tenant.

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这一理念也被应用到了一些小事情上,比如改善我们寒酸土气的制服。It was about the small things too, like our dowdy polyester uniforms.

从便宜到昂贵,土气的豪华,他们可以在许多不同的标准中。From cheap to expensive, rustic to luxurious, they can be found in many different standards.

当土气厨房可以是非常美丽的时,他们不提供当代厨房的实际性。While rustic kitchens can be very beautiful, they do not offer the practicality of contemporary kitchens.

在某些方面也许这个设计有一点不太有面子,但它对于其他的自行车来说确实是一个土气和技术的完美结合。The design is perhaps a bit too in your face for some, but for others is the perfect mix of 'tude and tech.

我们的书包都是花布做的,花布包跟军挎包一比就觉得很小气,很土气。Our backpacks were different too. They had army satchels , which even though beat-up still looked pretty cool.

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就是说他是乡下人或很土气。哎,这样说别人很不礼貌吧。Well, maybe. If you call someone a redneck, it means you think that they are not very cultured or sophisticated.

这是一个胜利,但同时他在对手们的眼中,总有摆脱不了的一丝土气。It was triumphant, but at the same time he never threw off among his enemies the sense that he was slightly vulgar.

根须沿木身垂下至地,得土气滋直盛壮,久则过其所寄,或遂包裹之。Along the wooden body roots lop to the ground, AIDS, long straight rustic pomp is its by us, or of suichuan package.

她让我觉得好像我是坏人欺负她了似的,然后我就给了这个卖给我土气包包的店家一个优秀的评价。She really made me feel like I was the bad guy bullying her, so I gave the shop an excellent comment for the grandma's purse.

有些人觉得北京有点土气,没有上海时尚和有风格。你怎么看呢?Some people consider Beijing as not being as outlandish or fashionable as Shanghai and perhaps a little rustic. What do you think?

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然而,即使是受到干旱、饥荒甚至内战的影响,亚历山大利亚依然要比土气的罗马城更要光亮耀眼。Still, despite drought and famine and the eventual outbreak of civil war, Alexandria was a glittering city compared to provincial Rome.

在淘宝网上,买家可以评价卖家所提供的商品和服务,自然地,我不会给这个土气的小包一个一流的评价。On, buyers can rate the products and services provided by retailers. Naturally, I did not give the granny purse a top-notch comment.

特别的颜色合身的款式,买了有两年了,还是特别喜欢,因为我一穿衬衫就显土气,只有这件例外。Colors and style fit me, bought it two years ago, particularly like , because I look so countrified when I wear other shirts , only this exceptional.

所以我看到他对这些压力做了微妙的处理,他变得没那么锋芒毕露和酷劲十足了,他变得更土气,更传统,更保守。So I see him being subtly changed by these pressures of office, becoming less incisive and cool, getting broader, more conventional, more conservative.

政府认为这些象征太"老套土气",会在7月1日荷兰担任25国机构的轮值主席后减弱荷兰总理杨·培特·巴尔肯恩德想树立的荷兰形象。The government decided such symbols were too "corny" and would detract from the image of the Netherlands that Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende wants to project.

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唯一的遗憾就是名字土气了一点,人家问我,我只得说,我买了一台雪铁龙,在乡里传来传去,最后大家都认为我买了一台牌子叫金龙鱼的车。When I was asked about it I had to say that I bought a Citroen. This spread out in the village and the folks got to know that I bought a car named “golden dragon fish”.

除过个把人的衣装和他们的农民家长一样土气外,这些已被自己的父辈看作是“先生”的人,穿戴都还算体面。These people who had been regarded by their fathers as "Mister" attired fairly decent, except that some individuals were in the rustic clothing as that of their parents.

回家的日子,我总如蜂似蝶般亲近泥土,泥土便毫不客气地武装了我的全身,让我土气十足地站成乡野上的一道景致。Home days, I always like butterflies, such as bees as close to the soil, the soil will be unceremoniously arm of my body, let me stand into a full rustic countryside on one scene.