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这项动议已经被搁置起来。The motion has been tabled.

该动议获得了迅速通过。The motion was shot through.

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动议参与国家取得了进展Progress Seen in FTI Countries

他们已经否决了这项动议。They have thrown out the motion.

他以冗长的演说阻挠了那项动议的通过。He stonewalled against the motion.

约翰史密斯提出了一项新的动议。A new motion was sponsored by John Smith.

反对此动议的代表请举牌。All those oppose please raise your placards.

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该项动议一经提出就遭到搁置。The motion stuck as soon as it was put forth.

他们使那项动议在委员会中草草通过。They railroaded the motion through the committee.

普及教育快速道动议资助国家取得的教育成果Overall Education Gains in FTI-supported Countries

他附议增加会员费的动议。He seconded the motion to increase membership fees.

此时距离项目动议恰好20个小时。Space project motion is right now apropos 20 hours.

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我们已否决另建一座办公楼的动议。We've defeated moves to build another office block.

我已将动议提交给了众议院。I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons.

投票赞成该动议的96人,反对的54人。Those voting for the motion, 96, and voting against , 54.

该项动议在下院被强行通过了。The motion was steamrollered through in the lower chamber.

动议由史密斯先生提出,琼斯先生附议。The motion is proposed by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Jones.

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星期四的聆讯旨在讨论赵致真取消这一案件的动议。Thursday's hearing was on Zhao's motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

很好,这项动议已经有人附议。还有其他的意见吗?All right, the motion has been seconded. Is there any discussion?

参议院以压倒优势的票数否决了众议院的动议。By an overwhelming vote the Senate disagreed with the House motion.