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欧洲的脱脂需求很旺盛。Europe has good demand for SMP.

瑞秋,里面有没有脱脂奶?Rach, does this have nonfat milk?

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可可膏,不论是否脱脂。Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted.

最佳的脱脂溶剂为正己烷。The best defatting solvent was n-hexane.

小猪喝脱脂乳而且很爱喝。The piglets had the buttermilk and loved it.

记得加些豆奶或脱脂奶还有水果进去哦!Add some soy milk or skim milk and some fruit!

然而,他们忍受脱脂酸奶很好。However, they tolerate nonfat yogurt very well.

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她可以喝脱脂乳,但不要吃黄油。She can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter.

尽量使用低脂或脱脂的上述食品。Use low-fat or nonfat versions of these condiments.

用脱脂奶替换掉加在茶里的全脂牛奶,还可加入谷物。Swap full-fat milk for skimmed in tea and with cereal.

本研究以经过脱脂处理的蝇蛆为试验材料。The subject of this study was the defatted fly maggot.

增加一半脱脂酸牛奶混合物搅拌,直到组合。Add half the buttermilk mixture and mix until combined.

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脱脂奶粉是廉价的蛋白质洗脱剂。Nonfat dry milk is an inexpensive proteinaceous eluent.

脱脂奶粉是出产黄油的副产物。Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butter production.

灯芯采用脱脂纯棉及食用油脂制作。The wick with degrease cotton and edible oils production.

以脱脂松籽为原料,开发研制了松籽乳饮料。A defatted pine-nut milk drink was developed from pine-nut.

被提取出奶油的牛奶叫脱脂乳。Milk from which the cream has been taken is called kim-milk.

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然后改用一只木勺,拌入脱脂奶和咖啡。Using a wooden spoon, fold in the buttermilk and the coffee.

在一个脱脂奶罐里,全神贯注在他的恋爱当中。In a pot of buttermilk , totally absorbed in his love affair.

本品系选用脱脂纱布精制而成,吸水性强、使用方便。Made up of degreased gauze, strong absorbability, use easily.