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怎么弄的一团糟?What a mess!

我们完全一团糟。We were a mess.

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这一团糟全怪爱因斯坦。Blame Einstein for the mess.

谁把这儿搞得一团糟?。Who made this frigging mess?

它们俗艳,一团糟糕。It was garish, a mangled mess.

那最初的想法也是一团糟啊。That first idea was a mess too.

她把我们的晚会搞得一团糟。She loused up our evening party.

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天呀,什么都搞得一团糟。My golly, everything is in a jam.

跟我一起说,兄弟,生活一团糟。Say it with me, bro, life stinks.

你的时间表乱做一团糟。Your schedule gets all messed up.

哼!让你把逸事搞得一团糟。Hur! Trust you to make a mess of it.

面对这一团糟,你打算怎么办?What do you plan to do about this mess?

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现在莱斯特广场一团糟。Leicester Square is a mess at the moment

她试图画画,可第一次画就弄得一团糟。She boggled her first attempt at drawing.

当归还时,她发现这些书被弄得一团糟。When she got the books back they were a mess.

动荡不定的美元的前景亦一团糟糕。The volatile dollar muddles the picture as well.

直截了当地说,民主党人在他周围帮着倒忙,忙出一团糟来。Put bluntly, the Democrats are messing him around.

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时候不早了,而地板上还是一团糟。It was getting late, and the floor was still a mess.

公司也会变得一团糟,团队也没人敢用。And that's a messy company. No one wants to use that.

这座新大楼被电梯故障弄得一团糟。The new building was bedevilled by elevator failures.