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安能袖手旁观?How can one stand by and do nothing?

三小舍利塔袖手旁观一棵树。Three Little Stupas sitting by a tree.

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你对这样的错误行为怎能袖手旁观呢?。How do you stand by and see such wrong doing?

乔在他的座位中袖手旁观,在它上努力地倾斜。Joe sat back in his seat, leaning hard on it.

在这种情况下,不会有人袖手旁观的。No man could stand aside in such a condition.

他那样虐待他的狗,你怎能袖手旁观呢?What does 'T. G. ' stand for in 'T. G. Smith'?

如果好人袖手旁观,邪恶势力就会战胜一切。If good people stand by , evil will conquer all.

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你对这样的错误行为怎能袖手旁观呢?。Eg. How do you stand by and see such wrong doing?

我不会看着别人受到伤害而袖手旁观。I wouldn't sit aside when somebody's being harmed.

我们必须与坏人坏事作斗争,不能袖手旁观。We must not stand by when people damage state property.

当我们袖手旁观的时候,自由解放的号角声遭到了嘲弄。Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by.

雅典人及其同盟军的船只袖手旁观。The ships of the Athenians and their allies sulked unhelpfully.

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我不能缩在西雅图郊区自己的中产阶级生活里袖手旁观。I could not stay back in my middle-class Seattle suburb and do nothing.

我们是亲如兄弟的好朋友,如果我开口老总岂能袖手旁观?We are as close as brothers and good friends, if I speak Mister can stand?

是的,如果通货紧缩威胁再度显现,美联储不太可能袖手旁观。True, the Fed isn't likely to stand by if deflation again becomes a threat.

办公室里的人都很卖力地工作,不过有的人却袖手旁观。Everyone in my office works hard, but some people have had their wings clipped.

但我也不能袖手旁观,我也看他不顺眼,明白吗?But I can't just sit back and watch either. I'm pretty pissed at him too, you know.

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他们非常具攻击性,假如瓦伦西亚袖手旁观的话他们将会束手就擒。They are very offensive and Valencia will be there for the taking if they sit back.

希望和平的人不可在一些国家为发动核战争建立军备时袖手旁观。Those who seek peace cannot stand idly by as nations arm themselves for nuclear war.

但是我们决不能袖手旁观,当一个暴君对他们民众说他将要格杀勿论的时候”。But we can’t stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy.