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穿上你的工作服吧。Put on your work clothes.

小孩穿的一种工作服。A coverall worn by children.

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浏览或购买高可见工作服今天。Browse or Buy Hi-Vis Workwear Today.

浏览或购买牧工作服今天。Browse or Buy Makita Workwear Today.

面罩﹐工作服﹐手套﹐防护眼睛等。Mask, smock, gloves, safety glass etc.

鲍曼扭着身子穿上潮湿的工作服。Bauman wriggled into the damp coverall.

浏览或购买我们的迪基斯工作服今天。Browse or Buy our Dickies Workwear Today.

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目前他还看不上工作服。Just now he turns up his nose at overalls.

他们刷洗过的手臂和工作服都被汗水浸湿变暗了。Their scrubs and gowns grew dark with sweat.

他穿着那套破烂烂的工作服好像更自在些。He seems more at home in his shabby overalls.

她摈弃传统服饰,而穿劳动布工作服。She scorns traditional dress and wears denims.

劳工衫裤、工作服、睡衣等。Labourer's Shirts, Trousers, Overalls, Pyjamas.

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你的工作服很脏所以你应该把它洗干净。Your smock is so dirty that you should wash it.

当波普装瓶的爆炸瓶爆炸时,波普还在弄工作服。When pop-bottles pop bottles topple Pop mopsslop.

一个穿着工作服的保养工奔进门厅。A coveralled maintenance worker ran into the lobby.

破破烂烂的褐色无袖工作服,保护着她的一前一后。Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways.

我不明白为什么不能穿着工作服去上班。I see no point why one cannot go to work in overalls.

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在穿工作服时,我从工作服上闻到了厂里的气味。As I don my coveralls I can smell the factory on them.

你怎么现在还不穿衣服,穿上你的工作服吧?Why don’t you get dressed now? put on your work clothes.

她穿着一件粉红的尼龙罩衫,就象护士工作服一样。She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse's uniform.