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你是圣地牙哥中华学苑的家长吗?。Are you a parent at SDCA?

攀枝花肯定是一个“避冬”圣地。It is definitely a winter resort.

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贡嘎山是一处圣地!Gongga Mountain is a sacred place!

禅林和文化圣地。Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.

纳加尔霍雷,店铺,还是圣地?Nagarahole, The Shop or The Shrine?

你是圣地牙哥中华学苑的家长或学生吗?。Are you a parent or student at SDCA?

许多朝圣者参拜圣地。Many pilgrims worship at the shrine.

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穆斯林祈祷时向麦加圣地俯身跪拜。Muslims bow to Mecca when they pray.

他们的行为玷污了这处圣地。Their behaviours profaned the holy place.

它也能够给出圣地麦加的方向。It also gives you the direction to Makkah.

博科圣地的策略随着时间不断改变。Boko Haram's tactics have changed over time.

而且我视伦敦为饪界的麦嘉圣地!Also I see London as a kind of culinary Mecca!

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马萨达现在是以色列圣地。So if you go to Israel now Masada is a shrine.

延安是中国革命的圣地。Yan'an is the revolutionary holy land of china.

他们也可能在2月12日-14日探访其他圣地。They may also tour the holy places on Feb 12-14.

一块来自2000年前的圣地的木头?。A piece of 2000-year-old wood from the holy land.

海世界是圣地牙哥众多吸引力之一。Sea World is one of San Diego's many attractions.

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翻译求助陕北是中国的革命圣地。North Shaanxi was the Mecca of Chinese revolution?

禅修是烦扰之心得以放松的圣地。Meditation is a sanctuary for a busy mind to relax.

加大圣地牙哥校区的研究小组一直在寻找这个反射器。A team at U. C. San Diego had been searching for it.